Objective: clarify the minor differences for leadership and employee onboarding and offboarding so that any executive leadership member (OP, TL, MCA) can follow the process
Pain Points:
- Onboarding paperwork differences – what do we need for employees different from contractors?
- Gaining or Removing access to Reports, KWFS, and CommandMC
- Gaining access to accounts during vacancies
The processes of onboarding and offboarding leadership members and employees of the market center is functionally the same as onboarding any other associate.
There are two parts to onboarding:
Onboarding to KWRI – that's the BSA, Profit Share ACH Form, and the entry into WinMORE
Onboarding to the Market Center – that's the employment agreement, employee tax forms, payroll forms, and any other unique market center forms such as for copier codes and key fobs
Before you start – the onboarding paperwork:
As with your associate onboarding, you are welcome to secure this information digitally using DocuSign or in person and handwritten on paper. Be sure to scan all physically completed forms for long-term preservation. Here’s what you’ll need to be sure you are collecting:
- Completed Binding Sponsorship Agreement – if the new leader or employee is an existing or former associate, you will need to receive this along with a transfer form from their previous market center
- Profit Share Banking Information
- Employment Agreement
- Federal, state and local tax forms where applicable (W-4, State and Local Income Tax)
- Confidentiality Agreement (KWRI/Local Market Center)
- MC Specific forms (for FOBs, Keys, etc.)
Once you have these forms completed with all signatures, you’ll begin with adding the new leader/employee to WinMORE or updating an existing record with either A/S (licensed MC Staff) or PO/S (unlicensed MC Staff). You will follow the first part of onboarding, which is to onboard the associate to KWRI:
- Associate Entry: Adding a New Associate to WinMORE – this is for leadership or employees who have never been affiliated with any KW market center in the entire history of KW
- Associate Entry: Adding or Transferring an Existing Associate – this for leadership or employees who are currently or have ever in the past been affiliated with any KW market center
- Associate Entry: Reactivating a Vested Associate – this is for leadership or employees who are currently in VR status and no A or PO status in your or another KW market center
Once you have completed the steps in WinMORE and have confirmed their White Pages profile is active, you can move on to onboarding the leader/employee into your market center with setting up their copier code, building access, phone extension, etc. These parts of onboarding are specific to your market center and are not mandated by KWRI.
Leadership-specific Setup Steps
At this point, you’ll turn to the steps unique to setting up your leadership and employees with the KW system accesses available only to leadership:
Leadership Roles
OP will email the Regional Leadership with MORE ID and KWRI Confidentiality Agreement to request that any of the top leadership roles be added to the new leadership member’s White Pages profile. These roles are OP,TL, ATL, MCA, AMCA,MC Broker,and Productivity Coach. These roles cannot be added or removed by any member of the market center leadership, not even the MCA.
MCA will add any of the other appropriate roles to White Pages for all other leadership positions: Market Center Tech Trainer (MCTT), Market Center Tech Coordinator (MCTC), Compliance Coordinator, and Market Center Leader.
It’s very important to keep in mind that assigning multiple roles that duplicate levels of access can result in losing access to some features. Be very careful to apply only the roles necessary to ensure access to Reports and CommandMC.
Market Center and Leadership Emails
Each market center is assigned and allowed only two email accounts owned by the market center: klrw####@kw.com and frontdesk####@kw.com. All other email accounts are unique and specific to the associate and are created following the instructions in Create your @KW.com Gmail account. For this reason, KWRI recommends that the klrw####@kw.com be the “owner” of all market center tools, documents, folders, etc., to ensure that access to these is preserved through leadership changes.
Read more about the difference between Personal and Office KW Gmail Accounts.
Market centers wishing to establish and maintain role-generic accounts for longevity are advised to establish a market center-owned email system such as Google Workspace for managing those accounts and ownership of documents and tools.
Offboarding Leadership and Employees
Like onboarding, the offboarding process for leadership and employees includes all of the same steps and the same timeline as offboarding for all associates: MCA Checklist for Offboarding.
Again, WinMORE is NOT your first stop. Before you change the leader’s or employee’s status in WinMORE, you’ll want to make sure you have secured the following information and assisted them in updating assignments in their accounts:
- Follow the steps in the MCA Checklist for Offboarding - leadership and employees are guaranteed by the KWRI Data Pledge to be able to download their own contact database from Command before being separated from their account
- Be aware of any SmartPlans being run in individual Commands that affect the MC – ensure the sender is updated to a continuing leader
- Export any documents housed in personal Google Drives – Google Takeout is a great tool for this
- Make sure that the OP email address and mobile phone are the recovery contact for the KLRW Email in Gmail
- Get a copy of the employee’s separation agreement if applicable
- Update the leadership member’s personal information in WinMORE, such as mailing address and non-KW email address, so that tax forms are deliverable at year end.
Once you’ve confirmed all of these steps have been completed, now you are ready to mark the profile in WinMORE with the appropriate status: either R/VR if leaving the MC or A/A if returning to production.
- Marking the status R/VR will immediately remove the leadership role for your market center only from the associate in White Pages and will immediately sever all access to your market center’s Reports, Financials, and CommandMC
- If the leader/employee is remaining in your market center in an active role (A or PO), be sure to remove their leadership roles in White Pages or have the OP request role removals through the region
- Collect all Market Center owned property – laptops, key fobs, keys, credit cards, rosters, reports, etc.
- Disable Fobs, Credit Cards, VPNs, etc., if applicable
- Change password in klrw email (if applicable) and the computer lock screen
- Change passwords to or remove the former leadership member from all market center business accounts: banks, utilities, services, etc, that are accessed online or have that individual’s name and personal KW email or personal phone number associated with
For managing passwords for the market center, OPs are encouraged to adopt a password management system like LastPass or Dashlane. Systems like this ensure that the direct login credentials are not shared with each member of the leadership or staff while still providing access. This can prevent the significant task of changing the login credentials for each market center account individually.
Emergency Email Deactivations
In some cases, market center leadership or staff part ways suddenly and there is a need to end email access earlier than the 60-day transition period. If your market center identifies this need, the OP, TL, or MCA will need to reach out to MCA Support by completing this form to initiate this request.
This option is available only when the leadership or staff member are NOT also active in another market center.
Business Continuity
Market centers are encouraged and expected to have a plan in place to ensure that the market center can continue to run smoothly in the absence of one of the three executive leadership roles being filled (OP, TL, or MCA). This is called a Business Continuity Plan. KWRI provides resources to assist market centers with developing these plans in the MCA Resources on KWConnect in the Business Continuity Kit - Market Centers.
Troubleshooting KWFS, Reports, and CommandMC Access
Once a new role is added to a member's White Pages profile, it can take up to 24 hours for all of the appropriate KWFS, Reports, and CommandMC access to display. Here are some troubleshooting steps you'll need to take before reaching out to MCA Support for assistance with these:
- Clear Cache and Cookies for all time - our browsers save the sites and settings for those sites when we visit them frequently, and this can result in a barrier when new permissions are assigned. Clearing your cache and cookies will force your browser to re-access the site and pull the new settings.
- Have your region remove and re-add the role - this will force the KW system to refresh the new permissions throughout the system; this will take another 24 hours to confirm.
- Make a loom.com video showing you logged in and how you are attempting to access the KWFS, Reports, and/or CommandMC and send that to MCA Support through this form.
Your resources for determining if a role should have access to Reports or CommandMC are