Beyond having an operations manual for your role in the Market Center, it’s just as important that you’ve worked with Market Center leadership to review the Business Continuity and Emergency Preparedness systems and best practices.
Objective: ensure that market centers have systems in place so Market Center business can continue in less than ideal circumstances
The Pain Points:
- Server crash or loss of data near/during transmittal
- MCA vacancy or otherwise unavailable near/during transmittal
- MCA or leadership transitions and keeping day-to-day operations moving forward for associates
Review/Update Frequency: market centers are encouraged to review and update their Business Continuity and Emergency Preparedness plans every six months.
Business Continuity Resources: Until the beginning of the COVID era of remote leadership, troubleshooting transmittal during weather-related emergencies or vacancies was handled on a case-by-case basis – as exceptions to “business as usual.” But with the rapid SHIFT in early 2020, KWRI published three toolkits:
- Business Continuity for Market Centers: Region Resources to guide your Market Centers
- Business Continuity for Associates/Teams: Market Center Resources to guide your associates.
- Remote Transmittal Preparation and Guide – engage your IT service to assist with this ahead of time
Emergency Preparedness Resources: And with each region of our world in the line of at least one natural disaster zone, KWRI provides a KWU Emergency Preparedness Workshop to assist market centers and regions in developing plans to handle both emergency safety and business continuity through a natural disaster:
When combined, the business continuity and the emergency preparedness plans can provide peace of mind for leadership and associates during times of uncertainty.
Backup in Triplicate: Always be sure to have three (3) forms of backups and know the locations of your WinMORE, AccountEdge/Lonewolf, and important Market Center files. You will want a backup on your computer, a USB/hard drive, and on a cloud based server; this last becomes especially important during server crashes when you can’t get to your last backup to transmit.