Frequently Asked Questions Regarding New G Suite Fee
1. Which associates will be counted for the Tech Fee and/or the G Suite Fee?
Answer: The Market Center will be charged the Tech Fee based associates with a status of “A”.
The Market Center will be charged the G Suite fee based on 70% of associates in any status other than “R” or “VR”, including “A”, “A/A”, “A/TA”, “A/TM”, “A/TS”, “A/R”, “A/S”, “A/O”, “PO/O”, and “PO/S”.
You can confirm the specific status combinations included in these calculations in Associate Status Combinations - WinMORE.
2. How do I remove G Suite access?
Answer: There is currently no process to remove access.
3. How does my Market Center get a rebate if our associate usage of G Suite is below 70% of the associate count used to assess the G Suite fee?
Answer: KWRI will begin issuing rebates automatically in the third quarter of 2023. No action is currently needed.
4. If an agent is associated with multiple Market Centers, will each Market Center be charged for this agent?
Answer: Yes, if an agent is associated with the Market Center, they will be included in the initial fee assessment. This includes expansion associates in PO status. However, beginning in the third quarter of 2023 KWRI will refund Market Centers for any usage below the 70% used for initial assessment.
5. Is there a way to opt your entire Market Center out of G Suite?
Answer: Not at this time.
6. Do aliases affect the G Suite fee?
Answer: No, the fee is based on associate count, and aliases are not a factor.
7. If associates opt out of G Suite, will it affect any other systems?
Answer: No, opting out of G Suite will not affect any other KW system access.
8. If an associate has opted out of G Suite, will the email address in WinMORE need to be updated?
Answer: Yes, the email in WinMORE should be the email the associate uses.
9. Will Market Center general email addresses, such as the KLRW and FrontDesk, be charged the G Suite fee?
Answer: Yes, these emails will be charged the $5 fee, and may not be opted out.
Answer: This is an Operating Principal/Market Center leadership team decision. Please, reach out to them for details.
11. Are Market Centers required to explain this fee change to their agents?
Answer: Your Market Center leadership will decide how best to handle this change. Please, reach out to them for details.
If you have any further questions regarding the fee, please contact your regional leadership.