Preparing for the Associate Applet Release, Changes in WinMORE, and KWU Advanced Training
Big changes to WinMORE and CommandMC are coming with your next transmittal of April data at the beginning of May. Let’s get you prepared for these changes:
Step 1: Timeblock to attend one of the Join Portal and Associate Applet Trainings in April -
- Click here to sign up for a training!
Step 2: Prepare associates for possible delays around joining, leaving, and status changes for a very brief period of time
The first phase will be an onboarding/transfer/offboarding blackout period that begins the moment you transmit and continues for several days after transmittal; more specific details around this time period will be available closer to April transmittal at the beginning of May. During this brief period, Market Centers will not be able to add new associates, remove existing associates, or make any kind of changes to associate records in WinMORE or Command MC. Be sure to prepare communication for associates requesting a status change during this period:
The first phase will be an onboarding/transfer/offboarding blackout period that begins the moment you transmit and continues for several days after transmittal; more specific details around this time period will be available closer to April transmittal at the beginning of May. During this brief period, Market Centers will not be able to add new associates, remove existing associates, or make any kind of changes to associate records in WinMORE or Command MC. Be sure to prepare communication for associates requesting a status change during this period:
- Newly affiliated associate joining KW and your Market Center for the first time
- Associates transferring to another KW Market Center or another brokerage
- Associates becoming licensed or going in active but remaining in an admin role (status changes between A and PO)
- Associates transferring to your Market Center or dual affiliating
Moving forward, all onboarding, offboarding, dual affiliating, transfers, and returning associates will be managed through the Recruits and Associate applets in Command MC. This information will be synced to WinMORE to be used to complete transactions, which will still be managed in WinMORE as we continue the deprecation process.