When an associate leaves KW, there are several things to consider. Both the MCA and the associate have tasks that need to be completed before the associate is Removed in CommandMC Associates. This will ensure that any transfers of contacts, opportunities and other data is completed seamlessly. The MCA should work with the associate to ensure that each of the following steps are completed, ensuring that the KWRI Data Policy is honored and preventing potential issues in the future. Use the links below for downloadable PDFs of offboarding checklists for both MC leadership and the offboarding agent:
- For MCAs - https://www.kwconnect.com/details/2021-01-22-600b1f7884107-pdf
- For Associates - https://www.kwconnect.com/details/2021-01-15-6001e4989a5cc-pdf
When an associate leaves KW, there are a series of events and overall timeline for what happens with the account. This process kicks off when the associate is removed in Command MC Associates.
Agent Deactivation Timeline
Once that is done, the following actions are taken:
- Roles are dropped out of White Pages
- Associate Record is deactivated, in Associates (though they will still have a Recruit Card in Recruits).
- VR Role assigned (if applicable).
- Keller Cloud Access removed (disabling user from access Command)
Within 30 Days
- Command Associate Site will be disabled.
- Associate's listing begin to go inactive in KWLS. If any active listings need to be deactivated, the MCA can edit the listing and put it in inactive status, or it can be moved to another KW agent.
- Associates won't lose access to their DocuSign account by default, and will still be able to manage documents on this platform. The MCA needs to remove the agent from the Market Center DocuSign account, which will revert this account to read-only mode so they can access their documents without continuing to use the account.
Within 30-60 days
- Associate's @kw.com email account will be disabled and then purged.
Offboarding a team member or Transferring a Team or Associate are related to general offboarding and have unique considerations, especially when the associate is remaining with KW. Be sure to consult these resources before offboarding a team member from a team or initiating the transfer process for an associate staying with KW: |
Before the MCA Removes the Associate in Command MC – Agent Responsibilities
When an associate informs leadership that they are leaving KW, leaving a team, or transferring to another market center, the MCA should immediately provide the Associate Offboarding Checklist and a deadline for the associate to complete their data collection.
Once the MCA removes the Associate in Command MC, all Command access ends immediately; there are no access extensions or temporary reactivations. It is the MCA’s responsibility to ensure that the associate has a clear time period for accomplishing their data collection:
- Notify in writing the TL, MCA, and Broker of your intent to de-affiliate from KW and the effective date of separation.
- Teams Only - If the agent is on a team, be sure to have them work with the Rainmaker to move any contacts that will go with the agent to that agents’ personal Command account.
- Teams Only - If the agent is on a team, any Opportunities they are assigned to will need to be re-assigned to a new agent, with the old agent being removed as an assignee.
- Teams Only - if the agent is on a team, they will continue to be the assignee on any tasks they were assigned to prior to being removed from the team. The team will need to reassign those tasks, either before or after they are removed from the team.
- Export all contacts they are taking with them, to ensure no data is lost once removed.
- Unsubscribe all Contacts from SmartPlans. If those contacts are not removed before the agent is removed from the Market Center, those contacts will remain on the SmartPlan until it is finished.
- The MCA should consult with the agent to determine how to handle any open transactions. These will either need to be completed before being removed from the MC roster, or the agent who is taking over the transaction will need to create a new Opportunity for the transaction, with the offboarding agent archiving the old Opportunity.
- Determine how any Compliance documents for an open Opportunity will be submitted to the Market Center and Compliance Coordinator for processing.
- If the agent needs copies of transaction documents attached to Opportunities, they will need to go into that Opportunity and export the documents.
If the agent is using a KW DocuSign account, the MCA will designate this agent as having been removed, and the DocuSign account will become read-only. If the agent wants to continue using DocuSign, they will need to sign up for a paid DocuSign account.
- Download all custom templates and marketing materials from Designs in Command, as you will not have access to Command immediately after your MCA deactivates you.
- Update all 3rd party accounts like DotLoop, Facebook, etc to utilize a non @kw.com email address.
- The agent will need to cancel all subscriptions in the KW Marketplace.
- Either download, or transfer ownership of all important documents in Google Drive and Gmail through your @kw.com account. An app such as Google Takeout can help simplify the process.
- Update all 3rd party accounts like DotLoop, Facebook, etc to utilize a non @kw.com email address.
- Create a list of all KW Facebook Groups joined. Leave all Facebook Groups designated for KW Agents.
Before the MCA Removes the Associate in Command MC – Market Center Responsibilities
- Confirm separation date and ensure that associate is aware of deactivation dates outlined at the top of this article.
- Verify that the associate has created Opportunities and Transactions in Command by accessing them from CommandMC, and has shared DocuSign rooms with MC Leadership or the designated person on a team who will be working the Opportunity to completion; determine how compliance documents will be submitted to the MC for processing as the associate will no longer be able to upload to Command. If applicable, set up a communication plan with the agent and their team to complete any remaining transactions.
- If the agent was part of a dependent model PC (Productivity Coaching) program in the Market Center, verify that the agent can no longer access and did not download (previously or currently) any consumer information owned by the Market Center. To verify, login to the Pro Coach account and review the export activity logs.
- Remove the associate in Command MC.
This final step, above, results in the immediate closing of the associate’s Command, KWConnect, and myKW account logins, and all data and reports accessed through those portals. The associate’s site should be deactivated within 30 days, and the associate’s email within 60 days. Once this process has begun, it cannot be stopped or reversed; account and email access is not extended.
After Removing the Associate – Market Center Responsibilities
Once the associate’s affiliation status has been officially terminated and accounts turned off, please proceed with market center specific offboarding activities, which may include the following (not intended to be an exhaustive list):
- Remove from state real estate commission roster (online or by mail, as determined by your state)
- Remove from market center Facebook groups
- Remove from the copier
- Remove from the building/office entry system (door code, collect key fob)
- Collect office keys
- Remove from phone system
- Remove from text system
- Remove from any non-KW applications used by the market center such as a shared Google calendar, Google site
As each market center is unique in its operations and services for associates, this list of post-offboarding steps may vary widely from market center to market center.
What if an associate comes back to KW and/or will only be gone for a short amount of time?
If an associate returns to KW, when they are invited to their new MC and go through the KW Joining Portal, the system will recognize their Social Security Number (or National ID) and Birthday, which then triggers the reactivation flow.
What does it mean that a @kw.com email account is purged?
When an account is purged, that means that all data within the account is permanently deleted. There is no option after this in which to recover the account.
Can a returning associate get their old @kw.com email account?
Yes, but they will just get the email address only. If the account was purged, then there will be no data. If the agent wants to still use that old email address, then the associate will need to take the following steps.
- Claim a new @kw.com email address.
- Request as an alias to that new account, their old email address that they still want to use.
- Contact KW Support team to get that alias switched to their primary address.
Can we access old Drive files for removed agents?
Many associate will share various files with other KW associates. When that associate is removed from KW and their @kw.com email account is purged, then that will also permanently delete any shared files the associate had in their account. It is important that those shared files are copied as soon as the owner of the documents is no longer active with KW so that way those files are not lost.
How can we stop/speed up this process?
If the associate were to be added to a Market Center, even temporarily, that would re-start the whole process above.
If the process needs to be sped up for any reason, please reach out to your RTT, and we can take immediate action to close down everything on our side.