A Launching Market Center must have all applicable state business and real estate licenses/permits before entering any licensed Associates into Command/WinMORE. Once the Launching Market Center has received approval from the Launch Coordinator to begin inputting Associates, they will follow the practices outlined in The KW Joining Portal Workflow (New Associate Entry) or The KW Joining Portal Workflow (Returning to KW Associate Entry) to add their Associates to CommandMC/WinMORE.
Associates New to Keller Williams:
If the Associate is new to Keller Williams and not transferring from either a Host or another Market Center, there is no action required outside of onboarding the Associate. The Market Center will be assessed the Tech Fee for the Associate when they are input into CommandMC/WinMORE.
Transferring Associates (from Host Market Center or Otherwise)
If the Associate is transferring from either the Host Market Center or another Market Center, the MCA will need to communicate with and receive information from the Host Market Center throughout the Launch process. Once the Launching Market Center has received approval from the Launch Coordinator to begin transferring Associates, they will follow the practices outlined in Add an Existing Active KW Associate to your Market Center (Transfers & Dual MC Associates) to transfer Associates from the Host to the Launch Market Center in CommandMC/WinMORE. When onboarding transferring Associates from the Host, the following steps must also be completed:
- The Host or other Market Center(s) will produce both a Company Dollar and Royalty Anniversary DA List with detail for all Associates who have closed transactions in their anniversary year
- Go to Print > Associate Reports > Anniversary DA List
- Choose Both Company Dollar and Royalty, Individual, No to Totals Only, Yes to New Page for each Associate
- The Host or other Market Center(s) will produce a list of pending transactions for transferring Associates
- Once Company Dollar and Royalty DA Lists with detail are received, the Launching Market Center will update the Royalty Base for each Associate to be $50,000 minus the Royalty Base they have paid on in the Host or other Market Center(s)
- This will be completed by figuring the new Royalty Base ($50,000 minus Royalty Base paid on in other Market Center(s)) and adjusting in WinMORE
- Go to Enter > Associate > find Associate > go to Commission tab > adjust Royalty Base dollar amount, not percentage
- Add under Royalty Exceptions & Explanations field: “Associate transferred from MC#### on MM/DD/YYYY with CO$ paid in the amount of $$ and Royalty GCI in the amount of $$”
- The Host or other Market Center(s) and the Launching Market Center should create a spreadsheet that tracks all previously posted DAs, currently Unposted DAs, and future created DAs in order to track Company Dollar and Royalty paid in throughout the Launch period (see Best Practice: The One Royalty Policy, Dual Affiliations, Tracking Caps, and the Duplicate Associates Report)
- If the Associate’s Anniversary Year rolls over before the Launching Market Center’s transmittal month, please contact MCA Support by completing this form for guidance
NOTE: Once the Associate has been entered into the Launch Market Center, the Host or other Market Center(s) will go to “Edit” next to “Business Information” in the Associates applet in CommandMC. When the Launch Market Center begins its Transmittal month, the Host or other Market Center(s) will hit “Set as Associate” in the Associates applet in CommandMC. When the Launch Market Center transmits for the first time, the Host or other Market Center(s) will then hit “Remove” in the Associates applet in CommandMC.
New Market Center Fee Sheet and Billing Associates
The Launching Market Center will be assessed the Tech Fee for all Associates in the Active Licensed Agent status in CommandMC on the seventh business day of the month after their first transmittal. In order to accurately reflect these numbers, the Launching Market Center will be provided a New Market Center Fee Sheet by the Launch Coordinator and will complete and send this form back to the Launch Coordinator by the tenth day of the transmittal month.
It is vital that the Launching Market Center prints a Roster (Print > Associate Reports > Roster) of all Associates in A status before manually moving the date forward in WinMORE at the end of each month before transmittal. This Roster will be used to calculate the number of Associates in A status in order to complete the New Market Center Fee sheet.
If a Launching Market Center receives all applicable state business and real estate licenses/permits after the Associate(s) have been billed for the Tech Fee in the Host or other Market Center(s), the Host or other Market Center(s) will send the Launching Market Center the funds necessary to cover those Associates’ Tech Fees. The Launching Market Center will receive this money via (Banking > Receive Money) in AccountEdge to the sub-account Associate Tech Fee (2-2150).