You can access a master list of the KW Luxury Thresholds on This list is updated periodically, though might be off a little in the moment if changes have been made since the last update.
Your MCA or TL can confirm the Luxury property thresholds for your area via the Luxury tables in Command MC.
Luxury property thresholds are set by Regional Leadership and vary by the county in which the property is located - provinces in Canada. They are based on the top 10% of the properties sold in a given county, with the minimum county threshold for KW Luxury being $700,000, though the actual thresholds vary county by county. Some locations, like New York City, have thresholds of $2M and above.
When an agent closes on a property, the system will verify the county threshold and the price of the closing. If the price of the closing is above the county threshold, the agent of record receives credit for one luxury unit. If the agent represents both buyer and seller, they will receive one credit for each side, or two credits.
Once the agent meets the minimum Luxury unit requirement set by their market center, they earn in to the KW Luxury community.