How to Earn In:
KW Luxury communities are curated at a local level. An agent can earn-in to the Luxury community by meeting the production standards that satisfy the luxury threshold set by your regional and local leadership. Please reach out to your local Market Center leadership to confirm these standards.
Typical consideration for the KW Luxury earn-in community requires agents close a minimum of four (4) transactions in 24 months within the top 10% of transactions in the county, as set by Regional Leadership.
Your MCA or TL will need to go in Command MC to check your county thresholds and will be able to let you know if you are eligible or how many more properties you still need to qualify. If you are eligible, your Market Center Leadership will need to approve you in Command MC.
To learn more about the benefits of earning into Luxury and having a luxury property, please visit The New KW Luxury on Connect.
What to Expect Once You Earn In:
The Luxury onboarding welcome email series begins the Tuesday following the agent’s earn-in date. For example, if an agent earns-in on a Thursday, they will receive the email on the following Tuesday. They will continue to receive onboarding emails with important information about the KW Luxury benefits and standards for the following 6 weeks. Additionally, an agent will be added to the Luxury Agent Newsletter that is sent the first Tuesday each month.
If you are not receiving these welcome emails after you earn in, you can use this opt in link to receive emails again or update your email address. You can choose which ones you would like to receive, but be sure that the Luxury preference is turned on.
When an agent initially becomes a part of the earned-in KW Luxury program, they will remain in the program for 24 months from the date of earn-in or exemption approval. After the initial 24-month period, we re-evaluate your luxury qualifications annually. On each subsequent year we check that you have closed the minimum number of transactions, as specified by your local leadership, looking back at the immediately preceding 24 months.
When an agent is six months out from their 24 month rolling period without closing the required amount of luxury units, they will be identified in the MC roster as “Luxury Expiring.” Agents automatically drop out of the earn-in model if they do not meet the qualifications (the default is 4 luxury qualified closed units in the past 24 months, but your Market Center has the ability to raise the minimum number of luxury qualified closed units).
When an agent’s earn-in status expires, they will lose access to the Luxury Hub on Connect, and earned-in luxury resources from Connect, and the Luxury templates in Command Designs. Market Center leadership can see which agents are set to expire by visiting the Luxury Roster in CommandMC.
Agents will be notified before they are removed from the earn in model. However, it is best practice to have a conversation with any agents in danger of losing their earn-in status to ensure they are actively aware of the situation.
Is your production run under a Rainmaker, or did you transfer from another brokerage and think you qualify for Luxury?
Please have your Market Center Leadership (MCA or TL) follow the steps below in Command to fill out an Exception Request. Once an exception request has been submitted, it is sent to your regional leadership. We would recommend emailing your regional leadership to notify them that you are waiting on approval and to see if they have any questions.
Once the regional leadership approves your exception request, the agent will gain access to the Luxury HUB within 24 hours.
Submit Luxury Agent Exception Request (Market Center Leadership) – KW Answers
If an agent has real estate sales that are not showing up in Command preventing them from qualifying for the Luxury community, what should they do?
The agent can provide their sales report to their Market Center leadership who will ensure the agent is credited for those properties. If an agent is new to KW, they will need to show their performance scorecard to Market Center leadership who will be able to submit an exemption request to earn-in to the Luxury community.