In Command, agents who are apart of KW Luxury can enable a setting for the Agent Site that brands their website as a Luxury agent. The toggle would appear once the agent has qualified to be a Luxury agent. Once you have toggled on Luxury Mode, the current default header images will change to a set of luxury images and videos. Also, you will have the ability to change your header photos to include up to 5 photos/videos. Additionally, your search will automatically filter by Price: High to Low (rather than standard Recently Updated). After the Luxury branding has been enabled the changes should take effect 24 hours later.
To enable Luxury mode for your Agent Site:
1. Log in to with your KW login credentials.
2. Click the Consumer icon, , on the left sidebar.
3. Click the Site & App Settings tab at the top of the page.
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4. Navigate to the Preferences section at the bottom of the page. Click the Preferences drop-down arrow and click the toggle to enable Luxury branding.
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5. Once you're done, click Save Changes. A banner will appear stating the changes may take up to 24 hours to take effect.