Downloading all associates and statements is the first step in completing the All Associates download. On the twenty-first of every month, or as soon as you can after the twenty-first if that day falls on a weekend or holiday, you should download all associates and statements, then load all associates.
To download all associates and statements:
1. Click Month-End and click Download All Associates and Statements.
2. A dialogue box will appear verifying that you want to download the All Associates file and Profit Share statements. Click Yes.
You may get a “Non trusted certificate” chain message. If so, click Yes. |
3. The FTP Connection screen will appear as WinMORE connects to the KW server.
If the script box lists a handshake error 3 and you are running Windows 8 or higher, please see the Knowledge Base article: FTP Handshake Security Error. This error indicates your firewall is blocking the connection |
4. When the connection is complete, you’ll gradually see the messages appear on the FTP Connection screen as the connection is made (230 User KWWinMORE logged in) and while the files are downloading. The final message is “221 Goodbye. Press any key to continue …”
5. Verify the files successfully downloaded by reviewing messages (outlined in red in the following image), messages to look for are as follows:
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for AAYYYYMM.ZIP ( [#] bytes)
226 Transfer complete
This is the AA updates file. Make sure it says file complete.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for YYMM[MC#].STM ( [#] bytes)
226 Transfer complete
This is your statements file. If you are a Launching Market Center that has not yet transmitted, you will not have a statements file so this will fail. For all other market centers ensure that this file download was completed.
If you have problems using Download All Associates, take a “screenshot” of the FTP Connection screen messages displayed on your computer for support assistance, press the Print Screen button (usually directly over the Insert button), open a Word doc, and press Ctrl-V to paste the “screenshot” to a document. Save the Word doc and then attach it to a request to MCA Support through this form. |
NOTE: Once Completed go immediately to the Load All Associates step.