Load All Associates
Loading all associates is the second step to the All Associates download. Every month on the twenty-first, KWRI produces the All Associate update. “Do the Month End – Download All Associates and Statements” before doing the “Load All Associates.” The All Associates download makes the following changes in your Market Center data.
- Updates the WinMORE program with enhancements.
- Updates the KW Profit Share Tree to include a complete list of potential sponsors that were transmitted in the previous month from all Market Centers internationally.
- Updates the status and other important information in your associate records as detailed on the Associate Transfers and Sponsor Changes completed by KWRI for the prior month.
- Updates your associate records with the Profit Share amounts paid to your associates for the prior transmitted month.
Click Month-End and then Load All Associates
The system will ask you to confirm that you want to load the All Associates file. Click OK.
You will see WinMORE unzipping files.
Then WinMORE will verify data files.
Then WinMORE will load updates.
Then WinMORE will update the Associate tree.
- January ONLY Associate Transfer Amount reset: In January of each year, the transfer GCI and Units are reset for the next awards year.
- WinMORE will first ask if you wish to print a list of Associate Transfer Amounts.
- Select Yes or No to printing the report.
- If you select yes, WinMORE will ask if the report printed OK, respond appropriately.
NOTE: the report simply prints the Non-KW Production for Awards and Real Trends Reporting that you entered for associates who joined in the prior year. If the report has a title and column headings but no data, that means your market center did not enter any non-KW production for newly joined associates. This is correct and not an error.
A dialogue box will appear confirming that if you want to complete the update, you will now be logged out of WinMORE. Click the OK button to log out of WinMORE and complete the All Associates update.
NOTE: If the Associate Transfer/Sponsor Changes log fails to print for any reason, steps to generate that report are found here.
Print and Distribute Profit Share Statements
Once you have completed the Load process, print the Profit Share Statements and distribute them to your associates.
- Click on Print - Associate Reports - Statements
Enter the period for the statements you wish to print.
Note: The period used is the period of the DATA the profit share is paid upon. So for Profit Share Received in May, the statement period would be 20xx04. (May profit share paid on April transactions.)
Select All to print all your associate statements as part of the AA process. If you wish to print a specific Agent's statement, select Individual.
Specify where you want the statements to print.
It is the responsibility of the MCA to ensure these statements are distributed every month. Per the Policy and Guidelines The MCA prints the individual Profit Share statements from the website once they are available after the 21st of each month and distributes them to the recipients in their Market Center within 24 hours of availability.