If you are having an issue with the WinMORE reports not fitting on the correct number of pages, this could be related to two different settings.
Header/Footer Browser Information
This is normally an issue with Internet Explorer but could be with other browsers; Google Chrome is the recommended browser for KWRI systems.
In your browser,
- Click on Print - Page Setup
- In the headers and Footers section, removal all items so the header and footer are empty.
Text Magnification:
- Go to the Control Panel and select "adjust the screen resolution" under "appearances and settings."
- Make sure your resolution is listed at the highest or whatever is recommended.
- On that same screen, click on "make text and other items smaller or larger."
- Make sure that "smaller (100%)" is selected. When these are changed, it is supposed to only change your monitor appearance, but we have found it changes the printing font slightly in WinMORE.