Q. I have a closing for an associate. WinMORE listed a $30 E&O charge for it because we collect E&O per transaction. Then, I found out that this associate had a deal with the Market Center that he would not be paying E&O for his first few transactions. I have already processed the deposit and uploaded it to Account Edge. I fixed the DA to reflect $0 for E&O, but now I need to get AccountEdge back in balance. There is not really an E&O payment and I need to refund $30 back to the associate.
A. Any time DA corrections are made after importing a deposit into AccountEdge, you will then need to re-import the deposit with the corrected values. In AccountEdge, delete the original GJ imported and import the revised GJ. You should now see the additional $30 in the Clearing Commission account so that you can cut the associate a check to refund the E&O.