The message that "Openinsight has stopped working" indicates that WinMORE is having issues communicating and accessing the data files where the data is stored.
There are 2 very common issues surrounding this:
1. You are not running WinMORE with the proper permissions. You must have full control of the WinMORE3 folder (meaning you must be able to read/write/create files in that folder and subfolder). Ensure that you are running your WinMORE Program with Administrative privileges.
- Right Click on your WinMORE shortcut
- Select Properties
- Select Advanced
- Check the box for Run As Administrator
- Click OK/Accept to save the changes
2. Another program is accessing WinMORE's files at the time that WinMORE is also trying to access them. The most common of these programs is antivirus or real time backup programs. Anti Virus scans and backups should be scheduled for after business hours. Real time backups programs are not compatible with WinMORE. Antivirus programs should have exclusions to not scan the WinMORE3 folder or traffic during business hours.