Before you begin, let's be sure that you are following the right instructions to meet your onboarding needs:
- Is this person new to KW - ever - as in they've never been affiliated with KW - not even 20 years ago? You'll need to move forward with the instructions in Associate Entry: Adding a New Associate to WinMORE.
- Is this person dual affiliating (active in two or more market centers), transferring from another market center to yours, or returning to KW, even if they were previously with another market center somewhere else? Then please proceed with the instructions below.
- Is this person in VR status in your market center right now? You'll need to move forward with the instructions in Associate Entry: Reactivating a vested associate.
NOTE: An associate should not be vested retired (VR) in one market center while being active in another. When you reactivate a Vested Associate from another market center, the transfer process should be followed to move the associate from their VR market center to yours. Obtain the transfer form from the VR market center and submit following the instructions on the form.
To Add an Existing Associate (Dual Affiliate), Transfer an Associate to Your Market Center, or Welcome a Returning Associate
The following process is for adding a transferring, dual affiliating, or returning associate into WinMORE. It is essential that before beginning this process, the receiving MCA has received the following documentation:
- Transfer Form - transferring associates only
- Binding Sponsorship Agreement - associates do not choose a new sponsor each time they change market centers
- Anniversary DA List (unless returning more than 12 months after separation)
- Royalty Anniversary List (unless returning more than 12 months after separation)
In addition, it is the receiving MCAs responsibility to verify a returning associate's vested status using the Associate Entry - Decision Tree. You may also reach out to MCA Support by completing this form with the returning associate's name and previous market center(s) for assistance in verifying vested status. Once vested, an associate may not choose a new sponsor, no matter how long they've been separated from KW.
Click on Enter - Associate - Create New
A web page will open and you will enter the name and SSN/SIN of the associate you are entering into WinMORE.
Click Submit
If the associate is currently or has been affiliated with a Market Center, you will add them to your Market Center by:
Clicking their name in the list shown. If there is more than one option, reach out to the previous market centers to determine which MORE ID is the oldest by Enroll Date. When in doubt, do not proceed; reach out to MCA Support by completing this form for assistance.
NOTE: You will need the associate’s transfer paperwork from the other Market Center, which contains the associate’s Anniversary Date, before you begin the procedure to add that individual to your Market Center:
Transfer Associate screen appears.
Complete the required fields.
Field Name |
Description |
Transfer this Associate |
We apologize the text on this error is outdated, the associate will not be removed from the other market center unless done so within the market center's WinMORE. |
Role in White Pages |
Agent: For any A Status Licensed Associates, including licensed Market Center Staff. |
Start Date |
Must be in your current WinMORE accounting period. |
Click Submit
If the associate is transferring between Market Centers, you still must complete the transfer process by sending the transfer form to
If the associate will remain active in both Market Centers, you will not send in the transfer form.
Click the Submit button
Click the Close this window link to return to WinMORE.
Complete the required fields in each of the associate record tabs. See the links below for detailed descriptions of each filed on those tabs:
Tab History Tab - unused at this time.
Carefully review your entries for the entire associate file before saving. Remember, a correct Sponsor ID is critically important because of our Profit Share system.
Click Save once all of your entries are correct.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If a new associate is a team or group member, immediately go to the CommandMC Teams Administration Tool and set them up on the team or group BEFORE POSTING ANY DAs for this associate! For more information on setting up a team or group, see Add and Remove Team Members in the CommandMC Team Management Tool.
Do the dates change or returning or transferring associates?
- Enroll Date changes to month they are joining the current MC (this is to track how long they have been at that office)
- Start Month/Year does not change (this tracks vesting with KW overall)
- Company Dollar Anniversary: May or may not change. This is up to the MC, whether the Associate is receiving credit for company dollar paid to the other market center should be taken into account when making this decision, and should be a market center wide policy, not done on a person to person basis.
- Royalty Anniversary Date: does NOT change