Before you begin, let's be sure that you are following the right instructions to meet your onboarding needs:
- Is this person new to KW - ever - as in they've never been affiliated with KW - not even 20 years ago? You'll need to move forward with the instructions to create a recruit and then invite the recruit to the Market Center. They will then complete the KW Joining Portal to create an account and join the MC.
- Is this person dual affiliating (active in two or more market centers), or transferring from another Market Center to yours? You'll need to move forward with the instructions to add an existing KW associate to your Market Center.
- For associate transfers, be sure to review the Associate Transfer Process.
- For associate transfers, be sure to review the Associate Transfer Process.
- Is this person in VR status in your Market Center right now and is becoming active? Then you'll need to ensure the associate has an exiting recruit card (or create a new recruit card), and then invite the recruit to the Market Center. They will then complete the KW Joining Portal to reactivate their KW account and join the MC.
- The system will recognize their VR status automatically, and adjust their status accordingly.
Once the recruit completes the Joining Portal, Market Center leaders (OP, MCA, AMCA, TL , ATL) will receive an email and Command notification letting them know (#2 is a more streamlined process, so there is no notification). The recruit will now officially be an associate in your Market Center, where you can start managing their associate record, including the ability to edit the associates production status or add leadership roles.
- Don't forget to sync the changes happening in Command MC with WinMMORE.