Here is the information on ordering Network MORE, also known as multi-user WinMORE:
Network MORE program
- Cost = $1100.00 (Includes Shipping)
- Users= 4 (we strongly recommend no more than 3 concurrent connections)
- Delivery = approximately 2-3 weeks
- Operating Systems: Windows Server software (current version within Microsoft support period)
- Network must be a server-based network. This will NOT run on a peer-to-peer system.
- Network cannot be Wireless.
Note: The server must be Windows Server software and on-site. As long as the server computer meets the minimum specs for Server software, it meets all specs for WinMORE. Domain Network configuration highly recommended.
To order your network option, please email and include your:
MC name, MC shipping address, and a person of contact.
Your request will be forwarded to the appropriate party. All orders are on a prepaid basis. Once funds are received, you will receive a link to download the necessary files and instructions to enable your WinMORE program to be Networked, and shared from your Server.
Once your order has been completed you will be notified by email.
Upon confirmation, provide the document attached to this article to your IT service to set up your multi-user WinMORE on a server. DO NOT MOVE WinMORE to the server until the multi-user license is completed.