Inside Referrals is a set dollar figure that comes off the sending associates NET income after company dollar and royalty splits. It is important to note that per the KWRI P&G Manual, 100% agents (agents capped Royalty) may not pay an inside referral.
DA Entry – Part 1
- Enter this section as normal for the DA
DA Entry – Part 2
- Enter this section as normal for the DA.
Associate Detail Screen
Add first associate to DA
- Enter the amounts as normal for the agent on this DA.
- When you get to the Inside Paid section, enter the dollar amount they are paying to the other associate.
- Tab through the rest of the fields
- Click OK
Add the second agent to the DA
- For DA type - Enter Inside Referral
- For DA Class enter Referral
- The next screen asks for the Referral amount. Enter the amount
- Click OK
- You can see the amount in the net commission box. Since Inside Referrals are deducted after company dollar and royalty, neither of those fees is charged to the receiving associate.
- Tab through the rest of the fields
- Click OK
Complete the DA per your normal process, both agents will be listed on the DA with their respective check amounts.
Best Practices are to use inside referrals only for amounts that are stated in a set amount NOT a percentage of the contract. If the associate is paying a percentage, split the commission on the DA. If Agent "A" wants to pay a fee to Agent "B", you would just set it up as you would when any two agents share one side of a transaction. Agent "A" could get credit for all the volume and unit if that was the agreement, but both agents would be on the same side of the deal (Listing or Sale).