Once you have posted one or more DA(s) to a WinMORE Deposit, you'll want to save the deposit in WinMORE and import it into AccountEdge. All deposits must be imported to AccountEdge even if no funds are being received or issued.
1. To print and save the deposit in WinMORE, click on the Print Menu, select DA Reports, and then click Deposit Slip Print/Update.
2. The most recent deposit number will automatically appear in the deposit slip number field. Click the Read button to begin the printing process. If the most recent deposit number does not populate here, follow the steps in Change Default Deposit Number - Old or Same Deposit Number Showing Up.
3. Once your reports have printed, click the Save button and close the deposit slip window.
4. Two reports will print for each WinMORE deposit. The first is a two-page report listing each check included in the deposit, and a second page detailing the journal entry that will be imported into AccountEdge. The third page of the deposit slip is a DA list, showing each cost of sales and income account and an ending balance. Deposit slips cannot be saved if the ending balance is not zero for each DA on the deposit.
5. Open AccountEdge and click File > Import Data > Transactions > Transaction Journals
(The file path updated as part of the AccountEdge 2023 program upgrade; previously the file path was to General Journal Entries.)
6. Click the continue button, and navigate to the MOREDEPS folder, which is located in your WinMORE3 folder. Select the deposit you wish to import, and click the Open button.
7. Next, click the match all button. This matches the accounts in the WinMORE deposit journal entry to the corresponding accounts in AccountEdge.
8. Click the Import button.
9. When complete, you should receive a confirmation message. If you receive an error, please contact MCA Support by completing this form for assistance.
10. Lastly, write out any commission checks related to the deposit, record journal entries for any deductions that might apply to the deposit, and check your clearing commission balance by using the CONTROL + Y keyboard shortcut in AccountEdge and searching for the clearing commission account 5-0060. Check to ensure your ending balance is zero.
If you find that you have missed importing a prior month deposit into AccountEdge, please reach out to MCA Support by completing this form for assistance.