Export the required files
Requires banks.txt, caseware.txt, and lwbudgets.xls
- Go to F.F.9
- Enter month end date.
- Click Send Report to – EXPORT save to the WinMORE location (C: or W: drive) WinMORE3/MDAT/SEND
- This will create a caseware.txt file and a banks.txt file
- To create the budgets file, see Creating a Budget file in the Year End Processes manual.
Load Financial Files:
- Log into mykw.kw.com.
- Click Technology at the top of the screen.
- Click KW Financial Statement.
- Click Load Financial Files.
- The upload window will list the required files.
- Drag the required files onto the upload window
- Alternately, click Choose Files. Navigate to your files and select them.
- Click OK.
- Upon successful upload you will receive the following confirmation message. See the troubleshooting section if you receive any other message.
- Click Display Financial Statement to view the reports
- Confirm your accounting data.
- Click Save.
As part of your weekly soft close, submit your financial data to the KWFS and Save.
As part of your review process, ensure all MC user defined accounts that are in use have the correct name.
At transmittal, you will need to submit the latest data to complete the transmittal process.