As of February 2023, the Vendors Directory in CommandMC Administration Applet was released to allow market centers to begin the process of moving their Vendors (co-brokers, outside brokers, title/attorney closing entities, mortgage lenders, and home warranty companies) into CommandMC to allow associates to select from existing vendors for their closings - rather than having to enter all of the data for each transaction. Learn more about Best Practices: Managing Your Vendor Directory in CommandMC (Leadership).
However, as we continue to run WinMORE alongside CommandMC through the deprecation process, new vendors that your associates are using will still need to be entered into WinMORE in order for the closing DA process to collect that information. This means that the following steps for entering a Vendor into WinMORE remains in effect.
When an associate closes a transaction, several types of assisting business entities are frequently involved: title company or attorney and mortgage lender being the most common. These businesses are entered as Vendors into WinMORE to be recorded on Page 2 of the DA.
- Click Enter and then click Vendors from the WinMORE Enter menu.
- A browser tab will open, and the KW Intranet Vendor Search will appear.
- Select a Vendor Type from the drop-down list, and click the Search button to review the existing vendor list for Mortgage or Title companies to ensure you do not enter a duplicate vendor.
- The search results will appear. If the vendor does not appear on the list, click the link to Add a Vendor.
- Enter the vendor information and click Submit.
- Close Internet Explorer to return to WinMORE, or click Create/Edit another Vendor to continue editing or adding vendors.
- For a complete list of all vendors for your Market Center, go to Select Reports, then Strategic Alliance, and finally All Vendor Activity.