The following ad hocs pull information requested for E&O renewal applications. Copy and paste each one separately into the ad hoc window and update the bold dates. Give it a title and description and save it for future use. Access the adhoc window in WinMORE under other.
E&O Application Report - Commercial
List da by property_code with document_type = 'c' and with status = 'p' and with close_period between 201108 and 201207 break-on property_code commercial_use_code reo hudva short_sale total units total listing_comm total sales_comm total referrals total gross_commission total price warranty_co_name
E&O Application Report -Residential
List da by property_code with document_type = 'r' and with status = 'p' and with close_period between 201108 and 201207 break-on property_code commercial_use_code reo hudva short_sale total units total listing_comm total sales_comm total referrals total gross_commission total price warranty_co_name
E&O Application - Total Report
List da by property_code document_type with status = 'p' and with close_period between 201108 and 201207 break-on property_code commercial_use_code reo hudva short_sale total units total listing_comm total sales_comm referrals total gross_commission total price warranty_co_name