When reviewing reports you may run across a scenario when the reports show an agent with a removed period different than the removed date entered in WinMORE as the date removed.
The date removed is a field that any date can be entered. WinMORE also has a field behind the scenes that is actually used for reporting where WinMORE tracks the period that the removal actually takes place.
For instance, if an agent transfers to another market center, you can't remove them until the transfer process if fully completed. The month you are alerted that you can remove them and the removal actually takes place will be recorded as the removed period. However, you may still put in the actual date they transferred so the period removed and the actual removed date won't match up.
You can see the actual removed period in an ad-hoc report from the agents table using the following ad hoc: LIST AGENTS WITH DATE_REMOVED BETWEEN "04/01/2015" AND "04/31/2015" BY DATE_REMOVED NAME_L DATE_REMOVED WITH REMOVED_PERIOD = 201507. Change the dates to reflect the date range of the Date Removed field and month and year of the removed period recorded by WinMORE.