Greensheets continue to show in import list OR
Greensheet PDF view not opening when importing a Greensheet to WinMORE:
Whether you are seeing Greensheets in the import list after being imported into WinMORE, or the PDF view won't open so you can see the details to enter into WinMORE, both issues are caused the same conditions.
We typically see these issues when using Internet Explorer. If you are using Internet Explorer, add to your trusted sites.
Remember that KWRI recommends using Google Chrome for the best experience across KW systems.
Trusted sites list.
- Open Internet Explorer
- Click the gear icon in the upper right.
- Select Internet Options
- Click the Security Tab
- Click on Trusted Sites
- Click the Sites button
- If the Require Server Verification option at the bottom of the window is checked, uncheck it.
- Enter * in the "Add this website to the zone:" field and click Add.
- Close the Windows
To remove a Greensheet from the WinMORE import list, you have to change the status of the Greensheet. Access the Greensheet via the Greensheet MC Approval and change the status to TNC (transaction not closed) and enter an explanation Your agent will get notification of the status change so enter something in the explanation so they know why this occurred.