The Anniversary DA List reports all posted DAs for a particular associate that have closed during that associate’s current Anniversary Year.
The following steps are used to track associate Company Dollar and Royalty Caps to help ensure associates don’t overpay. Additionally, it helps you track cash flow for your Market Center.
- Tip: If you are printing to paper, in your printer’s options box, click Printer Properties to review and/or change orientation and paper size settings. Ensure that “Landscape Orientation” and “Legal-size Paper” are selected. Click OK.
- Note: Print a copy as a PDF and save it for your records.
- In WinMORE,
- click Print and select Associate Reports. Click Anniversary DA List.
- Select Both (Prints 2 reports) and click OK to print both reports.
- Click All to select all associates.
- For “Do you want to print agent totals only?” click Yes.
- For “Do you want a new page for each agent?” click No and then print the reports.
- Company Dollar Anniversary Report: look for situations where the Company Dollar is too high.
Company Dollar (CO_COMM) should never exceed the max set by your Market Center (for example, $18,000).
- On the Royalty Anniversary Report: look for situations where the associate has not been charged royalty, or they have exceeded their royalty amount.
Royalty Base should never exceed the max set by KWRI for your Market Center ($50,000 or $60,000), even if an associate’s GCI has exceeded this amount.
Note: It may be less than this maximum total.
For example, if Marge Mega’s GCI is $79,900, her Royalty Base is still $50,000.
- If Royalty Base for an agent is greater than $50,000, contact MCA Support by completing this form. The most likely cause for this amount to be different is if the agent has:
- A DA that closed prior to when the agent capped in the same month is recalculated. See the “Note” in Daily Checklist – Deposits.
- Transferred to your Market Center from another Market Center and Franchise Royalty was paid by both Market Centers.
4. If the associates pay 100 percent of the 6 percent Royalty, then Agent Royalty should equal 6 percent of Royalty Base.
For example, if Royalty Base is $50,000, then Agent Royalty must equal $3,000. If it does not, there is a problem that must be corrected. The most likely reason is that a DA Entry-Associate Detail Screen “Associate Royalty” was manually edited. This can be fixed by entering another Adjustment DA to correct the under- or overpayment of Associate Royalty from the agent. It’s okay to be off by pennies caused by rounding. (see the next page)
Note: If Agent Royalty is not 6 percent of Royalty Base, focus on the DAs closed for each associate. Multiply each associate’s total Royalty Base by 6 percent to find the error and correct the DA in which Royalty Base or Associate Royalty was miscalculated.
Note: You may find you are off by a few pennies. This is due to differences in rounding and is acceptable.
Obtain Team Leader approval.