NOTE: If an agent is in multiple Market Centers in different Regions, they pay the ONE ROYALTY cap, and the MCAs must stay in regular communication so as to reduce the cap when the Agent closes transactions in each Market Center. See Tracking caps across multiple market centers.
Agents can be active in more than one Keller Williams Market Center. If an associate is looking to be added to more than one Market Center in the same region, consult with your Managing Broker or Broker of Record to ensure that it is in compliance with state and area rules/regulations.
When entering an associate into your WinMORE system that is already in another KW Market Center, add the associate as you would add any new associate. When the White Pages asks if this associate is transferring, respond yes, but do not request a transfer form from the originating Market Center.
The associate will show on your Duplicate Associates list in both Market Centers, and will remain on the duplicate associates report until they are removed from one of the Market Centers.
NOTE: This applies for associates transferring between market centers in separate regions. If this occurs, the agent will receive a credit for royalty paid in the previous Market Center and the MCAs must stay in regular communication so as to reduce the cap when the Agent closes transactions in each Market Center. See Tracking caps across multiple market centers.