Vested Associates:
- If an associate who is Vested Retired (VR) rejoins your market center, no matter the time gone from KW or which MC they were with previously, you will need to add them as a recruit in CommandMC, before you can invite them to the MC using the new joining process.
- There might already be an inactive recruit card created already, with a running history from when they were in your Market Center (you can easily check to see if that is the case).
- Once they are added to your Market Center, you will then need to contact MCA Support by completing this form indicating that a VR associate has returned and the vesting information needs to be updated.
- Make sure to include all relevant associate's information when emailing about a returning vested associate(Name, Current MORE ID, Past MORE IDs, etc.).
Non-Vested Associates:
- If a non-vested returning associate joins your market center, no matter the time gone from KW or which MC they were with previously, you will need to add them as a recruit in CommandMC, before you can invite them to the MC using the new joining process.
- There might already be an inactive recruit card created already, with a running history from when they were in your Market Center (you can easily check to see if that is the case).
- If it has been less than 9 months since they left KW, then we treat them as if they never left, and they are not allowed to name a new sponsor with their anniversary dates staying the same.
- If it has been more than 9 months since they left KW, they will have the option to enter a new Sponsor in the KW Joining Portal.
- Once they are added to your Market Center, you will not need to send any emails to our team, and they will be ready to go once added to the MC.
WinMORE and CommandMC calculates vesting based on periods (months), not calendar dates. They must be gone for a full 9 periods from the period where they were removed. Example: Someone removed on May 15th and returns on Feb 21st would be gone for 8 periods. (June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan). The Period Removed field in WinMORE is used to determine when the agent was removed, NOT the date removed field visible in the associate record. To see the Period Removed the following ad-hoc can be used in WinMORE using their removed MORE ID: LIST AGENTS WITH ID = '%MOREID%' NAME_L STATUS REMOVED_PERIOD
*Make sure to include all relevant associate's information when emailing about a returning vested associate(Name, Current MORE ID, Past MORE IDs, etc.). |