The Greensheet Online (GSO) is a tool that streamlines the DA input process. Once a Greensheet in the GSO has obtained compliance and financial approval, you may pull it into WinMORE through the DA Entry.
NOTE: Once it is in WinMORE, it can no longer be edited using the GSO.
- In WinMORE, select Enter, then DA.
- Click the Get Greensheet button for a list of approved Greensheets.
- A list of approved online Greensheets will appear. If there are no Greensheets online, a dialogue box will appear with that information. (Click the OK button to close the dialogue box.)
- Click on the appropriate Greensheet and then click the OK button. A prompt for the next DA number will appear.
- NOTE: The default DA# should never be overridden.
- Click the OK button.
- Many of the data fields on part 1 of the DA Entry and some of the info on part 2 will be autopopulated. You may change any information as needed. A window will automatically open with the Greensheet for reference.
- NOTE: For Type L listings, the listing needs to be entered into CloudMORE Listings before you can create a DA for it.
- Edit any fields as needed.
- Click the Save button.
Import a WinMORE Deposit into AccountEdge