Use this guide when you have questions about what each field of the DA entry process means and how it affects the final production reporting for associates.
Field |
Description |
DA # |
If you did not pull in a Command Commission, click New for a new DA number to be assigned automatically. If you did pull in a Command Commission, WinMORE has already assigned a DA number automatically. |
DA Type |
Enter a DA document type code. R: Residential Property C: Commercial Property |
Adjustment Type (Only used for Adjustment DAs) |
Select the type of adjustment DA. Regular: Most adjustment DAs are regular adjustments. Approved: If your adjustment DA is to transfer Company Dollar to another Market Center due to incubating agents or agent transfers, select “Approved.” NOTE: For more information on transferring Company Dollar, please see the following article located in our knowledge base: |
Deposit # |
When a DA is posted, the deposit slip number is automatically assigned. |
Closing Date |
When entering a new DA, enter the expected closing date. When posting a DA, enter the actual closing date on the closing paperwork. When terminating a DA (Status = T), change the closing date to a current transmittal month date. If the check was received late, and the month the closing actually occurred in has already been transmitted, enter the first day of the current transmittal month. If you receive a check dated after the last day of the current transmittal month, hold this check aside and post this DA after the current month is transmitted. This is especially critical at year end! Never close DAs for money received in the next year or the agent’s 1099 will be incorrect! NOTE: If the closing date is past the associate anniversary date, WinMORE will calculate the appropriate amount of CO$ and royalties in anticipation of the new anniversary year. |
Change to DA # |
If you are entering an adjustment DA, enter the original DA number. |
Status |
WinMORE automatically adjusts this status field. I: When entering a new DA, the status is I for “Incomplete.” U: When the DA is saved with associate information, the status changes to “U for Under Contract.” P: When you post a DA, the status changes to “P for Posted.” T: When you terminate a DA, the status changes to “T for Terminated.” |
Contract Date |
Enter the date the contract was accepted. The earliest contract date that can be entered is the first day of the current transmittal month. NOTE: If the closing date is past the associate anniversary date, WinMORE will calculate the appropriate amount of CO$ and royalties in anticipation of the new anniversary year. |
Type |
Enter the type of transaction. See the appendix for valid Type/Class combinations. L: Listing sold (1 unit) S: Sale (1 unit) B: Both – listing sold and sale sold (2 units) NL: Listing (no units, i.e., a note payment) NS: Sale (no units, i.e., a note payment) NB: Both (no units, i.e., a note payment) O: Other (no units, i.e., referral income) NOTE: There is a special procedure for transactions with multiple payments. The first note payment is assigned a DA Type L (listing sold), S (sale), or B (both sides) with units assigned appropriately. Subsequent DAs are assigned a DA Type of NL (no-unit listing), NS (no-unit sale), or NB (no unit, both sides). |
Listing Source |
If applicable, enter the source of the listing side of the transaction. If your MC associate sold a co-broker’s listing, skip this field. S: Sign A: Advertisement O: Open House R: Personal Referral C: Corporate Referral P: Prospecting B: Previous customer T: REO Account N: New Home Account F: Farming D: Duty Desk (phone opportunity) M: MLS I: Internet |
Property Code |
Enter the type of property. R: Resale/Individually Owned N: New Home L: Lot F: Farm and Ranch X: Lease |
Class |
Enter the class for the transaction. P: Property L: Lease R: Referral Income O: Other (personal transactions with zero Company Dollar and note payments) NOTE: When entering a Type O (Other) and Class R (referral), do not enter the DA until the referral check is received. If you enter it before the closing and the transaction does not actually close, you will not be able to transmit. You can not terminate a Type O Class R Disbursement Authorization. Submit a request to MCA Support by completing this form if you inadvertently prematurely enter a referral DA. NOTE: Please refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines regarding personal transactions. |
Sale Source |
If applicable, enter the source of the sale side of the transaction. If a co-broker sold one of your Market Center’s listings, skip this field. S: Sign A: Advertisement O: Open House R: Personal Referral C: Corporate Referral P: Prospecting B: Previous Customer T: REO Account N: New Home Account F: Farming D: Duty Desk (phone opportunity) M: MLS I: Internet |
Commercial Use Type |
If applicable, select the use for the commercial property. O: Office I: Industrial R: Retail D: R&D/Manufacturing M: Multi-Family L: Land X: Mixed Use V: Hospitality O: Other |
REO, HUD/VA, Short Sale |
Check the appropriate box if the deal is an REO, a HUD/VA, or a Short Sale. |
Listing # |
If the type of transaction is L or B, enter the listing number from the listing entry area of WinMORE. If the type is not an L or B, skip this field and complete the rest of the property information. Tip: Press Alt + down arrow to use the lookup function. NOTE: If you enter a listing number, the remaining fields automatically populate from the listing record. |
MLS Area |
Enter the area (determined by the Multiple Listing Service) for where the property is located. |
MLS Number |
Enter the MLS number for this listing. |
Street # |
Enter the street number only. |
Street Name |
Enter the street name. |
City |
Enter the city. To accept the default, press the Tab key. |
ST |
Enter the two-letter abbreviation for the state. To accept the default, press the Tab key. |
Zip Code |
Enter the appropriate zip code. |
County |
Enter the county. To accept the default, press the Tab key. |
Subdivision |
Enter the name of the subdivision. |
Map Grid |
Enter the map grid (used by your MLS) for this property. |
Purchaser |
Enter the name of the purchaser with the first name first, then the middle initial, and the last name last. This information is required by the E&O insurance underwriters. |
Phone |
Enter the phone number (preferably a work phone number) of the purchaser if you know it. This field is optional. |
Owner Occupy |
Check this field if the purchaser will occupy the property, otherwise leave it empty. |
Salutation |
Enter the appropriate choice for the seller’s salutation. |
Seller |
Enter the seller’s name as it should appear on an envelope. NOTE: If this DA is transaction type L or B, the seller’s name will default from the listing record. |
City |
Enter the name of the city the seller is moving to, if known. |
State |
Enter the name of the state the seller is moving to, if known. |
Seller phone |
Enter the telephone number(s) for the seller. |
DA # |
The DA number and the street name will pull automatically from the DA Entry – Part 1 screen. |
Comments |
Click the Comments button to enter any comments about this DA that you would like to save. NOTE: These comments appear on the printed DA. If your market center has notes for the closing company, for example, this is where you'll enter those notes. |
Price |
Enter the sale price of the property as shown on the contract. At closing, update the sale price to reflect the actual amount on the closing statement. This amount is printed on the Closed Volume Report. For personal transactions with no Company Dollar (class O), enter zero for the price. NOTE: For a lease or referral, enter the price volume as per your Market Center’s guidelines and in accord with your state’s rules and requirements. NOTE: For a multi-unit property, divide the final sale price by the number of units and enter the resulting figure into this field. NOTE: For note payment or adjustment DAs, enter the price the property was sold for only in the first DA. Enter zero in the price field for all subsequent note payment or adjustment DAs on the same property transaction. If the price was entered incorrectly on the first DA, enter only the correction amount in the adjustment DA. NOTE: Please refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines regarding personal transactions. |
Concessions |
Enter the total amount of concessions-to-close approved by the Team Leader to be shared by the associate and Market Center. If an associate pays the concession, skip this field. |
Units |
The total number of units will auto populate. A Type B DA is 2 units. Type L and S DAs are 1 unit. Personal transactions and subsequent note payment DAs are 0 units. NOTE: For a multi-unit property, divide the final sale price by the number of units entered here to determine the correct figure to enter into the price field. NOTE: Please refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines regarding personal transactions. |
Listing % |
If this DA is a Type B or L, enter the commission rate for the listing side of the transaction. If this transaction is a referral, skip this field. If the listing commission is a flat fee (i.e., a lease), skip this field. |
<Listing Commission> |
If you entered a listing %, WinMORE automatically calculates the listing gross commission. If this transaction is referral income, skip this field. If the listing commission is a flat fee, enter the dollar amount. |
Outside |
Enter the total amount of outside referrals paid by all associates participating in this DA. NOTE: If you want to remove an outside referral from a DA, go to the Agent Detail screen Outside Referral pop-up screen and delete it there first. Then come back to this field to zero out the outside referral. |
Sales % |
If this DA is a Type B or S, enter the commission rate for the sales side of the transaction. If this transaction is referral income, skip this field. If the sales commission is a flat fee (i.e., a lease), skip this field. |
<Sales Commission> |
If you entered a sales %, WinMORE automatically calculates the dollar amount of the sales gross commission. If this transaction is referral income, skip this field. If the sales commission is a flat fee, enter the dollar amount. |
Other |
If this transaction is referral income, enter the amount of the gross referral commission. |
Bonus |
Enter the total amount of bonuses earned by all associates participating in this DA. |
Total Commission |
This field will auto populate and will be the total of commissions, other, and bonuses. |
Tax |
This field is not currently active. |
Gross Commission w/Tax |
This field will auto populate with the total commission + tax. As tax is not currently active, it will be the same amount as the total commission. |
Co-broker ID |
The co-broker is the agent/brokerage representing the other side of this deal. Enter the co-broker in the transaction’s ID as entered in WinMORE. If you do not know the ID number, double-click the Co-broker ID field or press Alt + down arrow key to choose a co-broker. For detailed instructions on adding a co-broker, see “Enter Co-brokers.” |
Company Name |
Click on this field and the co-broker’s company name will auto populate. |
Amount |
Only enter a co-broker amount if your Market Center received the total gross commission for the co-broker and it must be reflected on the DA to be disbursed to the co-broker. Occasionally, and in some areas regularly, your Market Center will receive your Market Center’s gross commission as well as the co-broker’s gross commission. In the United States, paying the co-broker requires the Market Center to send the co-broker an IRS Form 1099. If a co-broker’s commission is paid by your Market Center and not the closing entity, enter the tax ID number, name and address information accurately and completely into the co-broker record in compliance with Unites States IRS Form 1099 reporting requirements. |
Agent Name |
Enter the associate’s name who is working this transaction at the co-broker's office. |
Mortgage Company ID |
Press Alt + down arrow to search for the appropriate vendor. If this is a cash transaction, select “Cash.” If the vendor is not listed, select Setup a New Mortgage Vendor for this DA. |
Name |
The name of the mortgage company will auto populate. |
Loan Amount |
Enter the loan amount. |
Loan Officer |
Enter the loan officer. |
Loan Type |
Select the loan type: Conventional, FHA, VA, Cash, or Owner Carry. |
Closing Company ID |
Press Alt + down arrow to search for the appropriate vendor. If the vendor is not listed, select “Setup a New Closing Vendor for this DA. |
Name |
The name of the closing vendor will auto populate. |
File # |
Enter the closing entity file number for this transaction. |
Closing Officer |
Enter the name of the closing officer. |
Fax |
Enter the fax number for the closing entity. |
Warranty Company ID |
If a home warranty is purchased for this transaction, press Alt + down arrow key and choose a home warranty company. For detailed instructions on adding a home warranty company, see “Enter Home Warranty Companies.” |
Name |
The name of the warranty company will auto populate. |
File # |
If a home warranty is purchased for this transaction, enter the home warranty company’s transaction ID number. |
Type |
Select the type of transaction: L: Listing Sold S: Sale I: Inside Referral O: Other – Referral Income NOTE: Please refer to the appendix for a list of valid DA Type/Class combinations. |
Class |
Select the DA class code: P: Property L: Lease R: Referral Income O: Other (personal transaction with zero company commission) NOTE: Please refer to the appendix for a list of valid DA Type/Class combinations. NOTE: Please refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines regarding personal transactions. |
Agency |
Enter the agency code for this associate: B: Buyer Agency S: Seller Agency D: Dual Agency O: Other |
Unit |
Enter the unit or portion of a unit assigned to this associate for this transaction side. Enter zero for personal deals and subsequent note payment DAs. NOTE: Please refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines regarding personal transactions. |
Gross |
The total gross commission for this associate for this side of the transaction auto populates. However, if this is a zero unit DA, you must manually enter the gross commission amount for this associate. |
Outside |
If there is no outside referral paid from this associate, skip this field. If there was an outside referral and an amount was entered for the Outside field on the DA Entry – Part 2 window, the Outside Broker Detail screen appears. Enter WinMORE’s ID number for this outside broker. If you do not know the ID number, press Alt + down arrow to find it. If this outside broker has not yet been entered, you can enter it now by clicking on the Start window, then selecting Enter, then Outside Brokers. For detailed instructions on entering an outside broker, see “Enter Outside Brokers.” NOTE: When there is more than one outside referral for the same associate, enter both referrals here, making sure to allocate the money accordingly. |
Bonus |
If this associate did not receive a bonus, skip this field. If this associate received a bonus on this transaction, enter the amount of the bonus. The following message will appear: Click Split It or Associate as per your Market Center’s policy. This will affect how company dollar is calculated; full royalty will be assessed on all bonuses per KWRI policies & guidelines. NOTE: Bonuses are usually split until the associate has capped. |
Concession |
If the associate paid all of a concession, skip this field. If the Market Center is paying some or all of the concession, it must be approved by the Team Leader. A series of questions appear designed to determine if the associate and the Market Center are sharing the cost of the concession based on the associate’s commission split percent if the Market Center is bearing the entire cost of the concession, whether the concession is reflected on the closing settlement statement, or whether the concession is paid “off the top.” |
Gross Commission Income |
Gross commission income is the commission amount after outside referrals, bonus, and concessions. WinMORE automatically calculates this figure. |
Tax |
This field is not currently active. |
Check Amount |
Check amount is the amount of gross commission income after outside referrals, bonus, and concessions. WinMORE automatically calculates this figure. |
Associate Split % |
This is the percentage of gross commission that is disbursed to the associate based on the percentage entered into this associate’s record. See “Enter Associates” for more information. |
Royalty Split % |
This is the percentage of this associate’s share of the Franchise Royalty for this transaction based on the royalty split % entered into this associate’s record. See “Enter Associates” for more information. |
Associate Commission |
This is the amount of the associate’s share of the gross commission income after any bonuses, concessions-to-close (either shared by the associate and the Market Center or paid by the Market Center alone), and outside referrals, but before deducting E&O, associate royalty, inside commissions, and paid out. This amount is shown as “Associate Gross” in various WinMORE production reports. |
E O Insurance |
The default is the EO.INS value entered from the Start window under “Setup,” then “System Defaults.” If your Market Center bills your associates for E&O through AccountEdge, nothing will show here. |
Associate Royalty |
Royalty is due from the associate based on the following formula: Associate’s Royalty Base Cap x Royalty Split % x KW Franchise Rate. Usually this is: $50,000 x 100 % x 6% = $3,000 |
Inside Paid |
Enter the total amount of inside referrals to be paid out of the associate’s commission to another in-house associate. Inside referrals do not earn the recipient any volume, GCI, or unit credit. WinMORE tracks this amount in order to accurately report the associate's income for tax purposes. If an amount is entered, remember to add this associate on the Associates Participating on this DA window. NOTE: Refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines on inside referrals. A referral from an associate who has capped to one who has not capped should be handled as a split transaction rather than an inside referral. |
Concession Adjust |
Please do not use this field. |
Net Commission |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field. NOTE: Net commission is the amount of the associate’s commission for this transaction that will be included on their IRS Form 1099. |
KW Cares |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field showing the KW Cares deduction for this transaction based on the information entered by the associate into their recurring donations or manually into each Commission request through Command. However, if the associate desires to change this dollar amount, simply change this dollar amount in the KW Cares field. NOTE: Always make sure you have written authorization for all deductions from an associate’s 1099 income. |
KW Family Fund |
Please do not use this field. |
BOLD Scholarship |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field showing the BOLD Scholarship deduction for this transaction based on the information entered by the associate into their recurring donations or manually into each Commission request through Command. However, if the associate desires to change this dollar amount, simply change it in the BOLD Scholarship field. NOTE: Always make sure you have written authorization for all deductions from an associate’s 1099 income. |
Deductions |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field and displays a pop-up window showing the deductions for this transaction based on the information entered into the associate record. However, if the associate desires to change or add a deduction for this transaction, simply change the information in the Deductions Detail window. NOTE: Always make sure you have written authorization for all deductions from an associate’s 1099 income. To edit a deduction, change the amount and the Deductions Detail window for this associate’s deductions can be viewed and edited. |
Associate Check |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field. It is the amount paid to the associate after all deductions. NOTE: Sale of an associate's personal property can be processed at 100 percent to the associate, less E&O insurance and Agent Royalty if applicable. Collect a transaction fee per your Market Center’s policies, or bill the associate through AccountEdge associate bills for the personal transaction fee. Do not enter this fee into WinMORE as commission income—enter it as a deduction if the agent desires. NOTE: Please refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines regarding personal transactions. NOTE: Verify that your E&O insurance carrier covers associate personal transactions. |
Company Commission |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field. It is gross commission income multiplied by the Market Center split %. It is the amount of Company Dollar paid to your Market Center. |
Pay to KW |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field. It is the amount of commission paid to your Market Center plus E&O and Agent Royalty, if applicable. |
Written Volume |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field. The written volume is based on the price of the property. NOTE: Enter zero price or volume for an associate's personal property sale. Please refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines regarding personal transactions. |
Closed Volume |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field. If the sales price changes from the time the sale is first entered to the time it closes and is posted, make sure this field is recalculated. Production is based on the actual price at closing. NOTE: Enter zero price or volume for an associate's personal property sale. Please refer to the KW Policies & Guidelines Manual for guidelines regarding personal transactions. |
Adjusted Volume |
WinMORE automatically calculates this field. The Keller Williams Adjusted Volume is calculated as follows: gross commission income (less outside referrals plus bonus less concessions)/0.03 This is an equalizing method of calculating closed volume credit previously used for Keller Williams Realty International awards; current KWRI Awards Policy bases awards on GCI and units only. |