This occurs when WinMORE is not shut down correctly, or something is blocking files from being updated when closing out WinMORE. Unless there is an explanation for why this happened, such as the power on a computer going out, WinMORE being closed abnormally, or the server shutting down unexpectedly, you also need to check the settings mentioned below on the computer to ensure it is not a permissions issue causing this.
If you are running WinMORE on the MCA computer only (local C drive):
Check to make sure that WinMORE is not still active in the task manager.
- Press CTRL + ALT + DEL on your computer and select Task Manager.
- Click on Processes and look to see if OInsight is still running as a process. If so, right click and select end task.
If you are running the multi user WinMORE from a server (W drive):
Check to make sure that WinMORE is not still active in the task manager.
- Press CTRL + ALT + DEL on your computer and select Task Manager.
- Click on Processes and look to see if OInsight is still running as a process. If so, right click and select end tree.
IF that doesn't work, follow the steps below:
Here is the steps to resolve the user login issue:
1) Locate the REVPARAM file in the WinMORE3 folder.
2) Right Click and select rename and add _bak to the filename (REVPARAM_bak)
3) On each computer that was showing as still logged in: Open WinMORE and then close it back down.
4) Immediately go back to the REVPARAM file and remove the _bak from the file name. The user list should now be cleared out.
Check these settings on all the computers accessing WinMORE:
Enable "Run as Administrator":
- Right click the MORE shortcut
- Select Properties
- Go to the Shortcut tab and click Advanced
- Check the run as Administrator checkbox
Antivirus Exclusions:
Ask your local IT person to ensure exceptions have been entered in the computer's antivirus to ignore the WinMORE3 folder.
Real Time Backup Programs:
If you have any real-time backup programs that could be accessing WinMORE files during the day, you need to set the backups to only occur while you are not working in WinMORE. WinMORE not being able to access it's own files because they are in use by another program is a concern that can cause major data corruption.
When all else fails, restart your computer and the server that houses WinMORE and reopen the application on your PC.