Problem: My all agents file didn’t load and locked the system giving me an error message FS 109- Open Or Create media: MDAT/ALLAGT is invalid.
Answer: This can occur when you either don't have proper permissions to the file, the file was downloaded and blocked, or the full file was not downloaded and the file can't be opened.
Please follow these steps to troubleshoot Permissions or files being blocked:
- Enable Run as Administrator on WinMORE
- Close WinMORE
- Right Click on the WinMORE shortcut
- Select Properties
- Select Advanced
- Click the "Run As Administrator" box
- Click OK/Accept
- Place an exclusion in your Antivirus to not scan the WinMORE folder. (directions depend on what AV program you have, your IT person's assistance may be needed for this.)
- Check the file to see if it is blocked by your operating system due to being downloaded from the internet. Go to the WinMORE3\mdat\receive folder. Locate the All Associate file and right click. Choose Properties. If the file has an unblock button on the lower right, it has been blocked by the operating system. Click the unblock button.
After these three steps, if you can't complete the AA process, please have your IT service run the All Associates process directly from the server. If they also receive error pop-ups on the server, please reply back with screenshots displaying the error message.