In this section, you will print a preliminary copy of your Monthly Profit Share Calculation.
1. Click Month-End
2. Select Profit Share Calculation (RPT3), from the drop-down.
3. Validate numbers from set costs. If the numbers displayed are not correct, click Cancel and calculate Set Costs, and correct them before proceeding. If the numbers are correct, click OK.
4. Verify Loss Carried Forward:
This box only displays if you have a balance and are within your first 18 months, or if you have a current LCF balance.
For Market Centers who have transmitted fewer than 18 periods, you can validate the balance that should be shown by doing the following:
Pull your previous month’s Profit Share Calculation Report. If the Market Center Profit/Loss (bottom left) is a negative number, this is your Loss Carried Forward. If the Market Center Profit/Loss is a positive number, the Loss Carried Forward is, “.00.” Verify that this matches with the Option dialogue box, and click OK. If it does not match, please contact MCA Support by completing this form.
Important Note: If this is the first time your Market Center is transmitting, enter the amount shown on your prior month’s AccountEdge KW Financial Statement for total YTD KW Owner Profit/Loss.
5. Enter any Franchise Royalty Adjustment that has been approved by KWRI, enter the adjustment and click OK. If you don't have an approval, leave the amount at .00 and click OK.
NOTE: Franchise Royalty Adjustments must be approved by KWRI. If you are completing an adjustment that includes a change to royalty, please contact MCA Support by completing this form for more information on obtaining approval.
6. Enter the total number of first-time recruiting appointments held during the month. Then click OK.
7. Enter the total number of Market Share Appointments held during the month. Then click OK.
8. WinMORE will calculate Profit Share. You will also see the following dialogue box. Click OK.
9. Print the Profit Share Calculation Report.
10. Make sure that the total Royalty Base used to calculate the Franchise Royalty Fee agrees with your EOM Closed Production Report, Royalty Base column total.