Before You Edit
Listings sourced from the KWLS:
- Generally, a listing that is coming from the KWLS should be edited in the KWLS first. The updates made there are loaded into CloudMORE Listings every 15 minutes.
Canadian listings sourced from LoneWolf:
- Listings are created in CloudMORE Listings by uploading listings and transactions from LoneWolf. Any updates to a listing should be made in LoneWolf and loaded again.
- The listing agent will have to be manually added directly to the listing in CloudMORE Listings.
Make all listing agent changes directly in CloudMORE Listings. The listing agent is loaded in when the listing is created and then is not updated with subsequent agent changes.
After a DA is assigned:
- Once you assign a DA to a listing, then updates made to the KWLS will no longer update the CloudMORE Listings information. So, if you make a correction to the address and then assign the DA, the address will not be overwritten by the KWLS address.
- If you later remove the DA from the listing, then the updates from KWLS would start again.
Edit a Listing
1. Open WinMORE on your computer.
2. Click Enter at the top left of the page and select CloudMORE Listings (formerly Central Listings).
3. This will open your internet browser and might have you log in with your myKW login credentials. You will see a list of active listings that are pulling from the KWLS or LoneWolf. Use the filters or search to find the listing in question, then select the listing.
- For more info on the search functions within CloudMORE Listings, click here.
- If you are unable to find the listing you are looking for, click here for troubleshooting tips or click here to learn how to enter the listing directly into CloudMORE Listings.
4. The listing details will appear on the right side of the screen; click Edit at the top of the page. (The edit button will not show if the listing is already assigned to a DA, you must first remove the listing from the DA before editing, directions for doing so are at the bottom of this article).
- Changes can be made to all fields.
- Required fields are still required and must be completed in order to save changes.
- The expiration date is not included in the listing information from the KWLS or LoneWolf, so it must be entered manually if you wish to track it.
- The total agent split must equal 1.0. If it is less than 1.0, repeat adding agents until you have all of the agents assigned with the correct portions of the listing. The system will allow you to enter up to three decimal places.
- The "MLS Name" list will only show what the Market Center has access to.
- An MLS number or the "NOT in MLS" checked box is required to complete the listing edit.
5. When you are finished with all of your changes, click Done Editing at the top of the listing details page.
To Remove a Listing From a DA to Edit the Listing
Listings assigned to a DA cannot be edited. If you need to change something on a listing that is assigned to a DA do the following:
- Open the DA
- Highlight and delete the listing number in the listing # field.
- Change the Type from L (or B) to S.
- Click to Page 2. At this time the Listing will be removed from the DA
- Edit the Listing Record in CloudMORE
- Click back to Page 1 of the DA
- Change the type back to L (or B) and reassign the listing to the DA.