In this section, you will close out WinMORE and prepare the transmittal files for upload to the KW FTP server.
NOTE: Make sure you obtain all approvals from your OP/TL before you complete this step. Once this step is completed, you cannot go back and change anything. This step advances the period forward and creates your transmittal files.
- Click Month-End
- Select Prepare Transmittal/Close Month.
- Type “YES” in all caps in the Option dialogue box to proceed with preparing transmittal.
- You will see a black and white screen pop up displaying the prepare transmittal ZIP file process and then be returned to the menu.
Note: If you forgot to print any of the reports or changed data after printing any report, you will see a screen listing what steps you must go back and complete prior to proceeding with transmittal. If your key numbers do not agree, you will see a screen listing which key numbers need to be corrected prior to proceeding with transmittal.
Note: WinMORE will advance your period one month on the main screen. - Proceed to Upload Transmittal to complete your transmittal.
Note: until you Upload Transmittal, you will be unable to perform any operations in WinMORE. If you receive an error notification, please first repeat the Upload Transmittal step.