To create a DA using the new system, follow the steps below:
1. Open WinMORE on your computer.
2. Click Enter at the top of the page and select DA from the drop-down.
3. In the top portion of the DA Entry portal, complete each field with the appropriate information.
For fields that require a code, you can click Edit at the top of the page and select Options from the drop-down (or Alt + the down arrow key) to see a list of the codes and what they represent.
4. When you get to the "Listing #" field, click Edit at the top of the page and select Options from the drop-down (or Alt + the down arrow key).
5. This will open your internet browser and might have you log in with your myKW login credentials. You will see a list of active listings that are pulling from the KWLS or LoneWolf. Use the filters or search to find the listing in question, select the listing, and click Confirm at the top of the page.
- For more info on the search functions within CloudMORE Listings, click here.
- If you are unable to find the listing you are looking for, click here for troubleshooting tips or click here to learn how to enter the listing directly into CloudMORE Listings.
6. Once you have confirmed the listing, close the browser window. You will see a pop-up box over the listing section of the DA entry page. Click OK to load in the selected listing data.
7. Complete the Buyer and Seller sections, then click Save/Part 2 at the top right of the DA entry page.
8. Complete the top portion of the page with the price and commission information. For more info on the fields in this section, click here.
9. Enter the co-broker and vendor information.
10. Click the Associates on this DA button at the top of the page.
11. If you know the associate ID of the agent in question, enter the ID and click OK. If you do not know the associate ID of the agent, click Search.
- The "Name Search" will allow you to type a name into the search, but will include vested agents in the results. The "Active List" option will only show you active agents to choose from and choosing "Status" will allow you to search for the agent by choosing a specific status to browse.
- No matter which way you search, choose the agent from the list and click OK to add the agent.
12. Once you choose the agent, enter the information for the associate. For more info on these fields, click here.
13. Click OK at the top of the page to save the associate detail information.
14. Click Save to save the DA.