This indicates that a listing was manually entered in KWLS and assigned to your office with a listing agent that does not have a MORE ID in your market center or that a KWLS listing was transferred to your office and the MORE ID was not updated.
In either case the first step is to search the White Pages for the MORE ID listed in the error. Then in CloudMORE look for any listings taken in the current month for that individual.
- If you recognize the agent as being in your market center and they transferred to your market center:
Then search for their listings and look for listings taken in the current accounting month.
Open the listing, remove the associate from the listing (trash can icon to the right of their name) and then re-add them. This will correct the MORE ID.
- If the MORE ID belongs to someone not in your market center, then you need to determine if the listing belongs in your market center but under a different agent, OR the listing is not yours and assigned to your market center by mistake.
- Listing belongs to your market center:
Open the listing record and remove the incorrect associate (trash can icon to the right of their name)
Add the associate from your market center that should be on this listing.
- Listing belongs to a different market center:
Go to the listings taken adjustment screen
Mark the listing as a duplicate, excluding it from your listings taken.