It is imperative that the MCA closes all programs before leaving each day. Backups will not run properly if programs are not closed.
NOTE: It is the market centers responsibility to ensure the MCA computer is completely backed up. Please work closely with your market center Technology Coordinator to ensure that the data is completely protected.
What should be backed up?
- The entire WinMORE3 folder (C:\ or W:\WINMORE3)-, make sure the entire folder is backed up daily to an external source and to a service like Logos Data Services.
- AccountEdge (U.S.) - (.myo files). You can find the location of your file by going to AccountEdge > Accounts Tab > Company Data Auditor button. Click on the file location link and make sure that your .myo company files are backed up.
- Lone Wolf (Canada).
- Any files that the MCA routinely uses (i.e., My Documents, Outlook.pst, etc.)
Here are some very important backup reminders:
- Every morning, review the backup log and confirm backup completion.
- Remove backup drive and place in a safe, secure area or take the backup off-site when you leave work at the end of the day.
- Perform three redundant backups each day.
- Your daily backup must not only be to your hard drive or to a server location. If either of those crash, they take down your only source of backup.
- You absolutely must have the ability to do a "backup on demand" at any time. Having a set daily backup only is not sufficient. We suggest using the WinMORE – Setup – Backup processes for an easy way to do this at any time it's needed.
- During transmittal, immediately before you click Month End – Prepare Transmittal in WinMORE, you must run a backup. This is very important! The Transmittal Checklist tells you to stop & run a backup before continuing. Please do this; it's for a very good reason. If you have any transmittal problems or need to re-transmit, this backup file is necessary to take you back without losing all work done since your last backup.
Disaster Plans:
Also check out the Market Center Business Continuity page for more information about securing your data in the event there is a disaster.