If you get an error that WinMORE cannot access the MDAT\allagt folder during the All Associate Download process the error could be caused by a couple different things.
First try the process again to see if you get the same error, it could be the AA zip file did not download correctly or another program was temporarily accessing the folder. If trying again does not work successfully, move on to the next setting.
Check to see if the file is blocked:
- Navigate to the WinMORE3 folder, locate the fbzip.exe file and right click. Select properties. In the bottom of the properties window look for a button to “unblock” the program.
- Ask your local IT person to ensure exceptions have been entered in the MCA computer antivirus to ignore the WinMORE3 folder.
Enable "Run as Administrator":
- Right click the MORE shortcut
- Select Properties
- Go to the Shortcut tab and click Advanced
- Check the run as Administrator checkbox
Run File Verify
- Setup
- Verify System and Data Files
- Click Okay
If an error message results, please screenshot the error message and send it to MCA Support by completing this form.