If you tried to Prepare Transmittal and recieved the error message that WinMORE could not access the /mdat/transmit folder, your system does not have the proper access to the folder. Use the steps below to determine the status of WinMORE and the steps you need to take to resolve this issue.
1) Check the current period in WinMORE.
If it has advanced to the next period, then your transmittal files were created. Go to the Upload Step (do not try to prepare again) and upload your files.
If WinMORE is unable to locate the transmittal files, then they were not able to be placed in the proper location for transmittal.
- Look in the WinMORE3 folder for two files with their file names structured as the four digit mc number _ 1 or r and the current month.current year (example - 0999_108.14, 0999_R08.14 would be MC 999, Month 8, 2014).
- Copy and paste these two files into your WinMORE3/mdat/transmit folder and then attempt the file upload portion of transmittal.
2) Address why WinMORE could not access the proper folder.
Check the following items:
Enable "Run as Administrator":
Right click the MORE shortcut
Select Properties
Click Advanced
Check the run as Administrator checkbox
Click OK/Accept
Antivirus Exclusions:
Ask your local IT person to ensure exceptions have been entered in the computer's antivirus to ignore the WinMORE3 folder.
Real Time Backup Programs:
If you have any real-time backup programs that could be accessing WinMORE files during the day, you need to set the backups to only occur while you are not working in WinMORE. WinMORE not being able to access it's own files because they are in use by another program is a concern that can cause major data corruption.