Profit Share Statements have moved from WinMORE to MyKW Reports. You can print a profit share statement for any period that your Market Center has transmitted.
By default, this report only shows data from the current month. However, you do have the ability to access archived (older) versions of this report, when selecting the report from the reports menu. Active and Vested Retired (VR) associates have the ability to log in and view their own statements, in addition to the leadership access. |
To access and export prior month Profit Share statements:
1. Log in to with your KW login credentials.
2. From the myKW home page click the Reports link.
3. On the reports page, hover over Reports, hover over Profit and Growth Share from the drop-down, then select Profit Share Statements, in the second drop-down.
Export Reports
1. The report will load. You can use the Export icon, at the top left of the page, to export the report.
2. Use the file format drop-down to select a format option.
- Exporting as a PDF is recommended, if you need to print the report.
Crystal Reports (RPT): this option is for reports administrators only.
PDF: this exports as a PDF and the formatting mirrors the report exactly as you are viewing it in the Reports portal. If you are looking to print a report, this is the best option.
Microsoft Excel (97-2003): this exports as an Excel file, but without gridlines and the formatting mirrors the report exactly as you are viewing it in the Reports portal (the columns and rows are not uniform).
Microsoft Excel (97-2003) Data-only: this exports as an Excel file with gridlines. The columns and rows are uniform and formatted as a traditional spreadsheet.
Microsoft Excel Workbook Data-only: this exports as an Excel file with gridlines. The columns and rows are uniform and formatted as a traditional spreadsheet (this is the same format as the Microsoft Excel (97-2003) Data-only option).
Microsoft Word (97-2003): this exports in Microsoft Word with table formatting, but no gridlines. The formatting mirrors the report exactly as you are viewing it in the Reports portal.
Microsoft Word (97-2003) - Editable: this exports in Microsoft Word, not in table formatting. The formatting mirrors the report as you are viewing it in the Reports portal.
Rich Text Format (RFT): not available.
Separated Values (CSV): this exports as an Excel spreadsheet, with a .CSV file type. The big difference between this format and the Microsoft Excel (97-2003) format is that the CSV format does not organize the data in a way that mirrors the report. Each column title, from the report, is put in it's own column. All of the data points are placed in their own column, separate from the column title. If you are looking to sort the data from a report by a specific metric, this might be the best format to use.
XML: this exports in an XML format, which puts the data in a code based format. This is more of a developer format, not useful to associates who are looking to view actual report data.
3. Click Export.
It is the responsibility of the MCA to ensure these statements are distributed every month.