Here is a list of folders that have files which can be safely deleted without causing any problems on the MCA system. Be very, very careful to only delete the specified files. And always open WinMORE to be sure it operates normally before removing the files from the Recycle Bin!
- W:\MOREDEPS – All.CSV files (WinMORE/Deposits) can be deleted on a regular basis, once all imports into AccountEdge are complete.
- \WINMORE3\MDAT\BACKUP – all files older than 60 days can be deleted after transmittal.
- \WINMORE3\MDAT\SEND – all files older than 6 months can be deleted after transmittal.
- \WINMORE3\MDAT\TRANSMIT – All files older than 6 months in this folder can be deleted after transmittal. (U.S. Only)
Doing the above steps can greatly reduce the WinMORE3 backup size and time.