1. We have a form setup for you to request any new MLS listing feeds to Keller Cloud that your new MAO might need.
2. Set Up the ListHub Connector(s):
Your Market Center must have a ListHub KW Connector account set up for each MLS you want ListHub to pull listings from. There are some listing feed troubleshooting tips you should be aware of.
Step 1 - Agent Onboarding
1. Transfer Licenses (optional):
2. Complete Binding Sponsorship Agreements:
Print the Binding Sponsorship Agreement from WinMORE for each associate joining on the day they join. There is also a video on KW Connect that briefly explains profit share and sponsorship.
Binding Sponsorship Agreements are only signed if the agent has never been entered into the Keller Williams system, or is returning after an absence of 9 months, and was not vested at the time they left the company.
3. Have all joining associates sign Independent Contractor Agreements with their managing Broker.
- Learn how to access the associate records overview, where you can learn more about Independent Contractor Agreements.
4. Enter Associates into WinMORE.
- Enter the owner of the MAO into WinMORE with a status of A - TM.
- Enter team members into WinMORE with a status of A - TA.
If commissions will be paid by the MAO directly, enter the employer identification number (EIN) of the MAO entity in the commission tab of each MAO associate’s WinMORE record. This will help you avoid needing to make adjustments to 1099s at the end of the year. |
5. Set-up Agent Billing.
Before setting up agent billing, determine the method by which you will bill agents that are part of the MAO by answering the following questions:
Royalty: Will royalty be paid in advance/equal installments for each agent, or billed monthly?
- Royalty is owed by each associate regardless of their status as an associate of the Market Center or of an MAO.
- Company Dollar: Will Company Dollar be paid in advance/equal installments, or will agent caps be tracked and billed monthly?
- Monthly Agent Fees: Will agent fees such as associate tech fee, E&O, etc. be paid monthly by the MAO owner or will the individual agents be billed by the Market Center?
6. Add White Pages MLS IDs for all associates.
Step 2 - Broker and Teams
1. If the MAO will be its own entity, therefore paying associates in the MAO directly instead of commissions running through the market center, you will need to add the Compliance Coordinator role to the Managing Broker/Broker in Charge of the MAO.
2. Now you will need to setup the actual team in the system.
3. If this is an expansion team, find the Team ID, in the Team Administration Tool, and email it to
If you are setting up an MAO, do not complete this step. |
Step 3 - Training
Get your new associates up to speed with the following resources:
3. Create Agent Sites:
4. Don't forget to leverage your traditional Market Center onboarding process and plug the new associates into your training calendar.
5. Have your new associates download and log in to the Command App:
Step 4 - Accounting
MAOs are treated the same as a business center, follow the steps below to accurately account for the income and expenses running through your MAO:
3. Create monthly reports from AccountEdge