When an agent leaves KW, there are a series of events and overall timeline for what happens with the account. This process kicks off when an agent is deactivated in WinMORE with an End Date in their profile.
- Click here to learn how to deactivate an associate who is leaving KW.
Once that is done, the following actions are taken:
- Immediately
- Role dropped out of White Pages
- User is not found by the Market Center via a search in White Pages.
- VR Role assigned (if applicable).
- Keller Cloud Access removed (disabling user from access Command)
- Within 30 Days
- Command Agent Site will be disabled.
- Agent's listing begin to go inactive in KWLS. If any active listings need to be deactivated, the MCA can edit the listing and put it in inactive status, or it can be moved to another KW agent.
- Agents will have a View only access in DocuSign in order to complete any transactions there. They will not be removed from the office at this time since they can't interact with other agents on the platform.
- Within 30-60 days
- Agent's @kw.com email account will be disabled and then purged.
- Click here to learn more.
- Click here to learn more.
- Agent's @kw.com email account will be disabled and then purged.
What if the agent comes back to KW and/or will only be gone for a short amount of time?
When the agent returns to KW, it is important to re-activate their roles with the previous profile. If the agent joins a new Market Center and that new Market Center treats the returning agent like a brand new agent with a new WinMORE profile, then the agent will not regain access to their previous Command data. If their old profile is reactivated, they will get access to their previous data in Command.
Likewise, if the agent will only be gone for a few months, the agent must remain in some sort of active status with KW in order to keep their @kw.com email active during this time.
What does it mean the their @kw.com email account is purged?
When an account is purged, that means that all data within the account is permanently deleted. There is no option after this in which to recover the account.
Can a returning agent get their old @kw.com email account?
Yes, but they will just get the email address only. If the account was purged, then there will be no data. If the agent wants to still use that old email address, then the agent will need to take the following steps.
- Claim a new @kw.com email address.
- Request as an alias to that new account, their old email address that they still want to use.
- Contact KW Support team to get that alias switched to their primary address.
Can we access old Drive files for removed agents?
Many agents will share various files with other KW agents. When that agent is removed from KW and their @kw.com email account is purged, then that will also permanently delete any shared files the agent had in their account. It is important that those shared files are copied as soon as the owner of the documents is no longer active with KW so that way those files are not lost.
How can we stop/speed up this process?
If the agent were to get a role added to their WinMORE profile, even temporarily, that would re-start the whole process above.
If the process needs to be sped up for any reason, please reach out to your RTT, and we can take immediate action to close down everything on our side. The Market Center would still be responsible for putting the End Date in WinMORE for the agent.