The Market Center Multi-year Trends report shows a variety of year-over-year data points, mainly recruiting and production data, for the Market Center as a whole. Most of the data in this report goes back to 2010.
The Multi-Year Trends Report is arguably the most useful single report for market center leadership to use in both reviewing the history and trends of the market center as well as projecting future growth and goals. Here's what market centers should know about the Market Center > Market Center Multi-Year Trends Report.
- Reports are updated monthly following transmittal and by the 7th business day of the month - not the 7th, but the 7th business day. KWRI defines business day as M-F and skips all weekdays on the KWRI Holiday Schedule.
- The metrics reported reflect the volume, GCI, and units from Sales and Listings only. All lease and outside referral transactions are excluded from market center multi-year trend metrics. This is the most common reason you will observe a difference between the Closed Sales report totals from WinMORE and the Multi-Year Trends.
- Be sure to use your Market Center Financials course materials to review the ways to use the MYT metrics to analyze the last month or year and to make predictions for the future. Those calculations and processes are included in that course.
- MYT are available only in 10-year increments for market centers. If your market center has been open for more than 10 years, you'll pull the current report as normal. Then you'll use the yellow archive folder to pull the report from 11 years ago. For example, if the current year is 2023, then your current MYT begins in 2014 and goes through 2023. To pull the previous 10 years, you'll click on the yellow archive folder and select 2013; this will pull the report displaying the ten-year period 2004 - 2013. NOTE: associate MYTs are in 5-year increments and will use the same process to pull reports farther back than 5 years.
Access Your Market Center Multi-Year Trends Report
To learn how to access the Market Center Multi-year Trends report:
1. Go to KWConnect and log in with your KW login credentials.
2. Click Reports, below the main menu headers.
3. Hover over Reports, hover over the Market Center category, then select Market Center Multi-year Trends.
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The report will load. You can use the Export icon, at the top left of the page, to export the report using various format options.
Understand the Data Points and Formulas for Each Metric in the Multi-Year Trends Report
And now let's take a look at the formulas and verification methods for each section of the Multi-Year Trend Report.
Section | Source for Data and/or Formula | Notes / KB Links |
Total Agent Count | This is currently reported though Transmittal via WinMORE and is the product (sum) of all associates in A status, regardless of what is entered into the Production Status field. | This is currently reported though Transmittal via WinMORE and is expected to transition to reflect use of CommandMC Recruits, the Join Process, and the Associate applet. |
Total Recruiting Appointments R1 and R2 | This is currently reported though Transmittal via WinMORE and is the direct reflection of the metric manually entered by the MCA in the Profit Share Calculation pop-up requesting this metric. The entry can be observed pre-transmittal in the Profit Share Calculation print-out. | This is currently reported though Transmittal via WinMORE and is expected to transition to reflect use of CommandMC Recruits, the Join Process, and the Associate applet. |
R2 Appointments | This is currently reported though Transmittal via WinMORE and is the direct reflection of the metric manually entered by the MCA in the Profit Share Calculation pop-up requesting this metric. The entry can be observed pre-transmittal in the Profit Share Calculation print-out. | This is currently reported though Transmittal via WinMORE and is expected to transition to reflect use of CommandMC Recruits, the Join Process, and the Associate applet. |
Gross Agent Gain | This is currently captured though onboarding via WinMORE and reflected in the New Associates report. |
This is currently captured though onboarding via WinMORE and reflected in the New Associates report and is expected to transition to reflect use of CommandMC Recruits, the Join Process, and the Associate applet. |
Net Agents | This is calculated as follows: Gross Agent Count minus Total Agents changed from status A to any other status (PO, R, or VR) in the transmitted period. |
This is currently reported though the associate roster included in Transmittal via WinMORE and is expected to transition to reflect use of CommandMC Recruits, the Join Process, and the Associate applet. |
Closed Units | Data Point: Closed Sales Volume Report - less units assigned to Lease and Outside Referral closings | Keep in mind that WinMORE displays Adjusted Volume. Transmittal conveys the true volume as shown on the individual DA as sales price, which is displayed in reports. |
Closed Units per Agent | Formula: Closed Units / Total Agent Count | |
Closed Sales Volume | Data Point: Closed Sales Volume Report - less units assigned to Lease and Outside Referral closings | |
Sales Volume per Agent | Formula: Closed Sales Volume / Total Agent Count | |
Listings Taken | Data Point: Listings Taken Report |
Be sure to complete the step in weekly Soft Close and Transmittal to validate your listings taken and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that this metric is reported correctly through transmittal. |
Listing Taken Volume | Data Point: Listings Taken Report |
Be sure to complete the step in weekly Soft Close and Transmittal to validate your listings taken and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that this metric is reported correctly through transmittal. |
Listings Sold | Data Point: Closed Sales Volume Report units, Type L only less leases | |
Listings Sold Volume | Data Point: Closed Sales Volume Report, Type L only less leases | |
Contracts Written | Data Point: Written Sales Volume Report units, less leases | |
Contracts Written Volume | Data Point: Written Sales Volume Report, less leases | |
Average Sales Price | Formula: Closed Sales Volume / Closed Units | |
Closed GCI | Data Point: Closed Sales Volume Report, less leases and outside referrals. | KWRI processes all market center metrics based on listings and sales only. Lease and outside referral income are not included in the MYT metrics. |
GCI % of Sales Volume | Formula: GCI / Closed Sales Volume | |
GCI per Unit | Formula: Closed GCI / Closed Units | |
GCI per Agent | Formula: Closed GCI / Total Agent Count | |
Paid on Volume | Manual Calculation: The portion of Closed Sales Volume attributable to the closings where Company Dollar is paid / Total Sales Volume | This is a complex calculation that, through transmittal, filters the closed listings and sales by which ones contributed company dollar to the month's income; leases and outside referral income are excluded. That resulting figure is the portion of Closed Sales Volume attributable to the closings where Company Dollar is paid. That resulting figure is divided by the Total Sales Volume to calculate the metric Paid on Volume. |
POV % of Total Volume | Formula: Paid on Volume / Closed Sales Volume | |
POV per Agent | Formula: Paid on Volume / Total Agent Count | |
Company Dollar | Data Point: Closed Sales Volume Report, including that earned through leases and outside referrals | |
CO$ % of GCI | Formula: Company Dollar / Closed GCI | |
CO$ per Unit | Formula: Company Dollar / Total Closed Units | |
CO$ per Agent | Formula: Company Dollar / Total Agent Count | |
Approved Expenses | Data Point: Income Statement KW Approved Costs | This is calculated from your accounting records as the cumulative total of all 6 through 8 accounts. |
Expenses % of GCI | Formula: Approved Expenses / Closed GCI | |
Expenses % of CO$ | Formula: Approved Expenses / Company Dollar | |
Expenses per Unit | Formula: Approved Expenses / Total Closed Units | |
Expenses per Agent | Formula: Approved Expenses / Total Agent Count | |
Owner Profit | Data Point: Profit Share Calculation | |
Profit Share | Data Point: Profit Share Calculation | |
Profit % of GCI | Formula: Owner Profit / Closed GCI | |
Profit % of CO$ | Formula: Owner Profit / Company Dollar | |
Profit per Unit | Formula: Owner Profit / Total Closed Units | |
Profit per Agent | Formula: Owner Profit / Total Agent Count | |
Royalties | Data Point: Income Statement, Franchise Royalty | The Franchise Royalty figure comes directly from WinMORE and the calculation WinMORE makes on behalf of KWRI for correct royalty. This figure can be verified before transmittal only using the Royalty Anniversary Report with detail, specifically the TOT_ROYALTY column; that is the amount of royalty KWRI will collect from the market center through the KWRI invoice, regardless of how much (or little) the market center collected from the associate via the DA. |
Royalties % of GCI | Formula: Royalties / Closed GCI | |
Royalties per Unit | Formula: Royalties / Total Closed Units | |
Royalties per Agent | Formula: Royalties / Total Agent Count |