When you are entering an associate who has been previously affiliated with KW, is transferring from another KW market center, or is dually affiliating with your KW market center, and you receive this error message, this means that the associate has two different KW profiles with two different SSN/SINs.
This means that the second entry did not follow the Associate Entry: Adding or Transferring an Existing Associate process correctly.
To resolve this error, please reach out to MCA Support by completing this form for assistance.
Some things that will help you prepare your agent for the changes to come include
- Only the oldest/original KWUID will remain active. All others will be disabled permanently.
- Only the email associated with the oldest/original KWUID will remain active. All others will be disabled permanently.
- Only the username associated with the oldest/original KWUID will remain active. All others will be disabled permanently.
This may mean that the associate will need to perform many of the classic offboarding steps with the more recent profile and login in order to have their Command Contacts, Opportunities, and other data and their kw.com email, contacts, and Drive contents. Follow the steps and checklists found in Associate and Team Offboarding Checklist for MC Leadership to assist with this process before the newer profile is deactivated.