Transmittal Steps (Lonewolf)
- KWFS - Submitting Data from Lonewolf
- Print and Review Projected Closings (Lonewolf)
- Verify WinMORE and Lonewolf Entries
- Create Initial Invoice to KWRI (Lonewolf)
- Verify Receivables (Lonewolf)
- Verify Payables (Lonewolf)
- Verify KW Debt, Depreciation, and/or Amortization (Lonewolf)
- Verify Payroll Tax Payable (Lonewolf)
- Review Clearing Commission (Lonewolf)
- Verify HST/QST has been booked (Canada Only)
- Record Direct Withdrawal to KW (Lonewolf)
- Verify Assets Match Liabilities and Equity (Lonewolf)
- Lock the Month (Lonewolf)